First day disasters ✔️

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I opened my eyes to be greeted with the familiar white roof of my room. I groaned loudly remembering the disaster of a day ahead...

I walked through the school parking lot trying to find the entry door. I looked around to try and spot some familiar faces. I stopped when my eyes scanned over a familiar strawberry blond.

"Lydia!!!" I screamed running over to my old friend. Even though I was a few years younger than her we were always great friends; seeing as how I had skipped a couple grades so I was only one year behind her at school. The strawberry blond whipped around to face me.

"Ummm hi? Do I know you?" She asked tipping her head to the side.
"Lydia its me, Hollow..." I said awkwardly trailing off at the end. Her eyes widened in shock. "Hollow? As in Argent?" She asked shocked. I saw shock fill her features.

"Yeah?" I said laughing. "Oh my gosh..." She sprung forward and wrapped her arms around me. "Your back! Oh my gosh your back!" She screamed laughing.

"Okay come with me I have to show Scott and Stiles how much you've grown!"
"Wait as in my Stillinski and McCall!?" I said shocked that she finally noticed them.
"Yeah. There not as weird as I thought. Sarcastic. But not weird." She said smiling.

We walked through the hallways and I could feel eyes on me. I tried to look straight ahead and not at anyone but it was so hard. I decided that I should just look at the floor and hope for the best.

I had been succeeding until I collided with something hard. I fell to the floor and felt my head hit the ground. It must have hit hard because m vision went black for a couple seconds.

"Oh my gosh I'm so sorry are you okay!?" I heard someone say frantically. I looked up to see a guy with either dirty blond hair or light brown. I couldn't quite tell my vision was still blurry.

"Umm. Uh. Yeah." I said shocked that I had just made a complete fool out of myself in front of everyone. Actually it was all his fault. Oh no I felt the rage start to fill me. "Why don't u watch where your going!" I yelled and stormed past him hit hitting his shoulder on the way.

Lydia was still walking beside me. "Still have the anger issues I see." She said giggling.
"That poor guy looked liked he was going to shit himself." She said laughing.

I just sighed and continued walking. Not long after we had arrived at the lacrosse field. "I thought they sucked at lacrosse." I said remembering the two boys as kids. They never made a shot.

"Well Scott was actually captain last year." She said smirking. I was shocked. He must have really trained to become that good. I turned. To look at the field and saw someone in goal that was pretty good. Actually that was an understatement. He was amazing. Was that Scott?

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