Arrows from a hunter

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Liams pov
Okay don't get me wrong, I really really like Hollow. Like so much. Telling her she wasn't my anchor was the hardest thing ever.

However it would have been worse if we started dating and then I found my anchor. I started running after her. Stupid I know.

I needed her to know that I really did like her more than a friend. And that if it wasn't for the whole stupid werewolf thing. I would have asked her to be my girlfriend by now.

I ran after her for what felt like ages. And after a while she ran Into the woods. And being the amazing guy I am, I decided I should probably follow her seeing as how I have for the past hour and a half.

I ran in. It was so dark I had to use my wolf senses just to see the trees. I followed her scent. We ended up in front of a large lake.

What was she doing here? It was freezing. She sat down on the grass and started to cry. Well what do I do now? If I go over there I know I won't be able to help myself and I'll do something I'll regret. But if I don't go over there.

Okay yup I'm going over. I took a few steps forward before I reached her. I put my hand on her shoulder and she jumped. I pulled my hand back quickly. I looked down at my healing hand to see a swirly pattern burnt into my hand.

She looked shocked to see me. "What are you doing here?" She asked me wiping away her tears. "I followed you." I said looking down. She looked at me for a moment but then her eyes rimmed with tears.

"Just go away Liam! I don't want to talk to you! I never chose you as my anchor and if I could, I would easily chose anything else!" She screamed.

I was taken aback. Did she really mean that? Well you know what. If that's how she felt than that's what she will get. From this moment on I will never speak to Hollow Hale again. Or at least that's what I thought.

I knew I was being dramatic, but I couldn't help it. I took off running. Leaving a crying Hollow behind.

Hollows pov
I sat there for awhile after Liam left. A part of me felt empty, but another part of me felt complete, knowing that I had a chance of getting over Liam.

I was sure I could change anchors. I mean Scott changed from Allison to himself. That was it. From this moment on I would switch from Liam to something else.

I felt air wush past my face just before there was an all to familiar sound in the tree next to me. I slowly turned my head to the tree next to me to see an arrow sticking out of it.

I looked toward where I thought the archer was. But there was no one there. I pulled the arrow out of the tree and inspected the end. Not only was this an arrow. But it was an arrow used by a hunter.

Each family of hunters had there on symbol. On the end of this arrow there was a feather with a moon above it. How strange. I looked around but I sill saw no one.

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