Moving to the mysterious Beacon Hills. ✔️

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I felt my eyes flutter open as the car slowed to a stop. "Ughhhhh." I groaned as I realised I had reached my Uncles house.

I haven't seen my uncle in 10 years, 10 bloody years and my parents think they can just ship me off to some crappy town and everything will be fine? No. Oh hell no! I am not staying here and there is nothing and no one that can make me.

"Okay sweetie. Here we are. You ready?" I turned to look at my nervous mum who was sitting in the drivers seat.

"You do realise I hate you right?" I said coldly. I heard my mother sigh as I slammed the door of the car shut. Let's just say I was not happy, and that wasn't exactly a grand thing, seeing as how I had anger problems. The doctors could never figure out exactly what it was. But nothing helped.

I walked around to the back of the car to grab my bags out of the boot. I heard the familiar "pop" as the car boot opened allowing me to grab my heavy bags.

I turned to look at the house that I spent most of my childhood in. I had lived in Beacon Hills until I was 8 when my parents decided we should move to Australia.

But now after all these years we had finally moved back. My uncle and aunt had decided to move here a few years after we left and it turned out our house had just gone back up on the market. Which was great for them and they quickly snatched it up.

"Chrissy!" My mother screeched running towards her brother. I groaned. This was not going to be a fun year. But then again who said I was staying the year... I planned on leaving way before that.

"Hey uncle Chris." I said flatly as I walked over to them both. "Hey Sweetie. I'm sure u know where your room is, why don't u go get settled why I talk to your mum" he said smiling his eyes wrinkling. "Whatever" I muttered as I walked into the house.

I made my way up to my old room. There was no way I could prepare myself for the hell known as school tomorrow.

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