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As I walked into school I had my head low, trying not to be noticed by anyone. When I woke up this morning in the forest I was shocked to see that a small stray fluffy kitten had curled up in my lap.

When i moved it woke up and looked me in the eyes before licking me and bounding away. What was happening to me? But what really scared me was when i got home and my uncle Chriss was know where to be found. But a note lied silently on the table.

You may not understand but Isaac needed me. Before u came I was in France with a good friend of Alison's, his is a young werewolf named Isaac. I got a call form him and he needs me immediately. I'm sorry for the short notice and running off like this. Really I'm sorry.

But believe it or not that wasn't the worst part of my day oh no. The worst part of my day was that when I went to British my hair I saw that it along with my eyes had made a drastic change.

My hair instead of being a dark brown streaked with lighter brown. Was now light brown streaked with a golden blond. Now that may not have been as noticeable as they eyes.

My eyes instead of looking like a regular humans. Where bright golden and the pupil was rimmed with flecks of bright yellow.

And here I was, trying to dodge everyone in sight so they didn't think I was some kind of freak with contacts.

But all hope was lost when I turned the corner and rammed straight into someone's chest. I looked up to see the one and only. Liam Dunbar.

I sighed and looked down trying to walk around him. Only he grabbed my arm and spun me around dragging me out of the corridor and into the boys locker rooms.

I just kept looking at my feet knowing that if I spoke I would say the wrong thing.

"I just want you to know that after last night I realised something. I realised that I'm not going to keep running after you. If you don't want me than I most definitely don't want someone as pathetic as you." He growled out, as he stormed out of the locker rooms.

Leaving me standing there on the verge of tears. What was up with me lately, I'm never this emotional.

I slowly made my way out of the boys locker rooms and towards the girls bathrooms. But I had only gotten a little past the locker room door when Lydia caught sight of me running up.

"Oh my gosh sweetie are you alright you looked like you spent a night sleeping in the woods!" She let out obviously noticing my hair that I hadn't bothered to do and my arms that had some small scratches on them. Apparently my body only healed bigger injuries.

Little did she know I literally spent a night sleeping in the woods. "Here come with me!" She demanded dragging me the rest of the way to the girls bathroom. "Now spill" the strawberry blond said.

So I told her everything from the almost kiss to the locker rooms. When I was finished she pulled a smaller bag out of her handbag.

"Well I say we get you fixed up before anything." She said opening the bag to reveal a whole lot of make up. I groaned. I always hated make up.

Half an hour, a bag full of make up and a new hairstyle later I found myself staring at my reflection. I looked cute. Actually no. I looked hot. I turned to Lydia to see her smiling at her work.

"Now let's go show little Liam what his missing out on." She said pulling me out of the bathroom. I mentally face palmed myself. I didn't want to go anywhere near Liam.

He had hurt me. Pathetic? He called me pathetic! I had been through so much the last couple days, I mean come on my uncle just left me her alone for some guy in France!

Lydia must have noticed I didn't want to see him cause she stopped walking. "Oooooor we could spend the day at my house watching movies?" She said looking excited.

I laughed. Of course she wouldn't care about missing a day of school. I mean after all she has perfect grades. But I couldn't risk it. "No it's fine. I'm just going to get some books from my locker. But thank you so much for my makeover!" I said laughing.

"No problem sweetie!" She said before turning and strutting down the hall capturing everyone's attention.

I laughed and turned around, completely forgetting what happened with Liam earlier. Well that was before I passed the locker rooms yet again.

But this time I heard a growling noise and water running. I quickly walked in shutting the door so no one else heard what was happening. Even though I wasn't really sure myself.

I turned the corner to be greeted by Stiles, Scott and Liam. Only Scott and Stiles were holding a very wolfed out Liam under the running water if the shower, trying to calm him down.

"Hollow get out of here!" Scott yelled. I turned to leave but stopped when I heard Liam. "No hollow wait! Don't go... I'm okay I'm okay!" He yelled  at at Scott.

Scott then looked at me with a bewildered look. "What?" I asked Scott. He just shook his head. "Look Hollow I didn't mean what I said! I'm just really angry today. But I'm not at you, I'm angry at myself for what happened last night. I'm really sorry!" He said looking up at me with those adorable eyes.

I just nodded and turned ready to leave the locker rooms and Liam. "Please stay." I heard Liam whisper under his breath. But of course my new hearing picked it up.

I stopped. Not knowing what to do. Do I stay and listen to Liam or do I go and process what he said. I decided I should stay, just in case  Scott or stiles needed me to help with Liam.

AlwaysOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora