Explaining the unobvious ✔️

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I sat in Deatons animal clinic waiting to see if he could come up with an explanation, for what's been happening.

"Wait. So she did loose a lot of blood from Sean? When he attacked her at the hospital?" Deaton said looking at Scott.
"Uh yeah I guess. I mean she was unconscious and everything, but that could have been from the fall." Scott said looking at Deaton and then to me.

"This is remarkable. I haven't seen someone like you in a long time hollow." Deaton said looking at me shocked. Oh no, what was I. I looked at him and then back at Scott. "Is it bad?" I said looking at the ground.

"No, quite the opposite actually. You see when Scott bit you, you were so close to dead that the bite brought you back from the other side.

A part of you stayed on the other side however. Allowing you to see the dead. Only when they want you of course. And as for the werewolf stuff. We will just have to wait for tonight to see what you are." He said smiling.

What the actual fuck! A part of me stayed on the other side!? As in a part of me is dead! What! I started to freak out. "Hollow, hollow calm down, this isn't bad. You will be fine. I promise." Deaton said looking at me.

Deaton was a good guy. He wouldn't lie about something like this. I hoped. I felt myself slowly starting to calm down. But just when I was clam I felt a hand on my shoulder, I looked up to see Allison, smiling at me.

"That's what I was trying to say to you. That you would be fine. Only you were too busy freaking out to concentrate enough to hear me!" She said laughing.

I started laughing too. Maybe this wouldn't be too bad after all. I mean if I got to see Allison, awesome. "Are you  seeing her right now?" Deaton asked smiling. "Uh yes..." I said trailing off, a little embarrassed.

"Allison!" Scott said "I love you." He said looking around the room. "I love you too." She said looking at him. He looked around waiting for something to happen. He obviously could hear or see her.

"She loves you too." I said looking at him. He smiled and I saw a few stray tears come from his eyes before he wiped them away. "I want to try something." Deaton said suddenly. We all looked at him.

"Hollow, concentrate on Scott. But Allison, you concentrate on hollow. And you Scott you just relax." He said. I nodded a little worried and put all my concentration on Scott.

Then all of a sudden it was like I had tunnel vision, all I could see and think about was Scott. "Allison!?" He whispered running up to her and hugging her. "I missed you so much!" He said. "I missed you too!" She said crying in his arms.

"I'm sorry guys but I can't concentrate much longer. It's hurting my head." I said trying to hold the concentration but it was like my tunnel vision was getting smaller and smaller and my head was throbbing.

Then I couldn't hold it, I took a deep breath and relaxed. It was like everything slowed, froze and then went back to normal. This was so weird. Let's just say. I wasn't looking forward to tonight.

"Well thank you Deaton but I think we should probably get Hollow home and ready for tonight." Scott said. I glanced at him, knowing full well I was going to whatever Scott had planned tonight wether I wanted to or not.

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