Little red little red let me in

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I sat in the bathroom stall, where I had been for the past two periods. I probably looked a wreck, mascara running down my cheeks, eyes red from crying, and hair sticking out everywhere.

There had been a girl come in a few minutes ago, asking if I was okay. Let's just say when I opened up the stall door and said some less then polite things to her she got the drift and left.

Today had been a very bad day.

Liam's pov
Was wondering around the school in search of Hollow. When she admitted to liking me earlier. I was shocked. I did not think that a girl like her would like something like me. A monster.

After she left I was upset, not at her but at myself for letting her get away. It was unfair to her that I didn't say anything and just sat there like a deadman.

So far she was no where to be found. I even asked Scott to see if he could hear or smell her. But he said that he didn't want to get in the middle of us.

I walked past the girls bathroom but stopped immediately when I heard the cries and sniffs of an all to familiar girl.

I slowly opened the door but cringed when I heard it creak. "GET OUT!" I heard Hollow scream.

"Hollow please talk to me." I said softly. The cries immediately stopped. "Liam, I don't want to talk! Just get out and leave me alone!" I heard her scream.

I sighed. I slowly walked over to the door. I knew she wouldn't open it so I did, probably the dumbest thing I could have in that situation. I broke the lock on the door.

But it was my heart that really broke when I saw what was behind the door. Hollow was sitting on the stall floor. Makeup and hair everywhere.

Yet she still looked beautiful. It's official. I'm in love with Hollow Argent.

Hollows pov
As soon as I heard the door open I knew I had no chance with Liam ever. Not after what I must look like. I kept my eyes on the ground not wanting him to see I had been crying.

He slowly bent down and put his hand on my cheek causing me to look up. He gasped before quickly pulling me into his chest for a tight hug.

I'll admit, he gave amazing hugs. If it wasn't this situation I would probably be smiling right now. But no. He was just hugging me because he felt sorry for me and that was not okay.

I quickly pulled back. Having had enough pity from him for one day. I slowly stood up. He quickly got to his feet too but I turned and bolted out of the bathroom. But before I left I turned and looked at Liam.

"I don't want you to feel bad for me Liam. It's unfair to you for me to make you feel you have to hug me to make me okay. We're just friends, that's all we will ever be. I understand that now." I said and bolted the rest of the way to the car park.

Great just great, the one time I need to leave and no ones here to drive me. Being a freshmen sucked. But that was until the animal inside me wanted out.

It was weird. It wasn't a full moon yet I was going crazy. I quickly bolted off into the woods. Only I was unaware of what was happening to me. And what was about to happen.

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