Make up or break... Never mind

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I didn't know how long I had been walking around for. Probably ages. It was freezing. It was so cold, my teeth were chattering.

It was dark by now and as much as I hate to admit it. I was lost. So very, very lost.

I had decided it would be a good idea to go into the woods. I realise now that was the most stupid idea I have ever had. This is mainly because of 3 reasons.
1- it's the freaking woods and it's nighttime!
2-we all know nothing good happens in the woods
3- if someone finds me I will look like an idiot because of reasons 1 and 2.

I heard a twig snap to the left of me. I turned my head. I would have used my cool supernatural eyesight, however if this was just a regular human, it could be hard to explain.

However I would have preferred to explain it to an ordinary human, than talk to the person that actually walked out. Liam. Did he really think that we were going to make up that quick. Or maybe he was going to break up with me. Wait. We were never together.

"I know I'm probably the last person you want to talk to right now but I need you to know something, Scott and I had a talk. You see, I'm your anchor. But Hollow." He stopped after that looking down at the ground.

I was starting to get nervous. I had an idea of what he was about to say but I was hoping I was very very wrong. Once he looked back up he continued. "Hollow your not mine." He said sadly.

I knew he was going to say that. I braced myself for it. But I didn't brace myself for my heart to shatter into a million tiny pieces like it did.

"And it's unfair to you Hollow. Because even we are together, at one point my anchor is going to come along. And then. I won't be yours anymore. I'll be theirs." He said.

Wow. I didn't know how long I stood there for. Just looking at him, my eyes rimmed with tears. The ones that managed to escape running freely down my face.

Liam stepped forward. But I took a step back. As much as I wanted. Actually no. As much as I needed his comfort. He was right. I was going to have to get used to not having him.

I can't believe I even thought I was his anchor. I mean it explains why he tried to kill me multiple times. "Go." I said looking him dead in the eyes. "Hollow-" "NO! GO!" I interrupted.

He looked at me with sad eyes before turning and walking away. I'll admit. Telling him to go away hurt like a bitch. But him not fighting and just leaving hurt much worse.

I sat down. Looked around. And then thought about not having Liam. And that my friends is when I lost it. I started balling my eyes out. I sobbed. I cried some more. I cried ever more. And then I stopped.

I realised that I didn't have my anchor anymore. And my animal realised to. My eyes changed first. Then my skin. And then I knew what I had to do. Where I had to go. It was the school.
The lacrosse party.

Kirra, Liam, Scott. Basically my whole pack was there. They were covered in something. There was someone with a lighter. Oh no.That's when I realised  what I was truly capable of.

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