Chapter 11

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Hailey's Pov:

   I was in the seventh heaven, finally that moment that I always wished  for me. His lips felt amazing on mine! I wanted to replay that moment.I grabbed my mug and went to watch the rain from behind the door. The rain fell gentle on the plants that were outside. Martin was upstairs in the studio, working on a new track. I could not stop thinking about his wonderful crystal blue eyes and his soft gentle lips. After some time, I

came to my senses 'Martin did not ask me if he likes me or not? but if he didn't he would not have kissed me ?' my thoughts could not stop? until Martin came from behind me and  gave me a fright. I screamed as a response

"Martin, don't do it again", I giggled "So.....ummm"I could not face him.

He grabbed my arms , "Hail, what do you want to tell me?"He questioned me.

I started to smile "I was wondering, if you if you me?"

"You're seriously?asking me this question!of course I like you.Why are you asking this question?"

"I don't wait, I wanted to know if you like me back!"

"you where thinking that I did not like you,how dare you!"He leaned in and we starred in each others eyes after a couple of minutes, his lips were on mine.They were really gentle and soft against mine, I started to give him pecks on his lips.I wanted to cuddle with him a

l day, until my phone started to vibrate. Jeez!

I  took the phone out of my pocket and when I saw Julian's name.

God I completely forgot about Julian. I wanted to hide from Julian that there was something between me and Martin so I decided to tell Martin about my decision.

"Mart.....can we please for now leave our love story a  secret ?Please don't take it the wrong way"

"Sure, Hail. I was going to tell you the same thing.I don't want my fans to know cause you will receive bad comments and I don't want such things to happen to you !" he smiled and winked to me.

I had to prevent that our secret get revealed. From day one that I met Julian he had a crush on me and I did not want to tell him that now I was kind of dating Martin.It was like a stone falling on him.I felt again my iphone vibrate, it was Julian.

"Hi, Jul"I told him cheered up

"Hey, Hail,how are you?hope that you are good!" He told me cheerfully.

"I'm good Jul and you?hope that you are having a good time!"

"Yeah, it's amazing I will send you a couple of videos of my performance"

"I'm eager to watch them!"

"How's Martin?"

"He's good too , we were prepararing to go shop from the supermarket"

"I see !"

"What are you doing now?"

"I was about to sleep a bit,I'm really exhausted !"

"Jul, it's better to leave you so you get some rest!"

"Thanks Hail!so take care and bye"

"Bye jul and take care".

Julian was such a sweet boy.He was caring,charming and careful.In one word he was Amazing.Although, Martin was a charmer I had my doubts about how careful he was, since last night he hooked up with a girl that he barely knew. I was completley drowned in my thoughts that I have not heard Martin talking to me.

"Hail, let's go to the supermarket"

"Ummmmm, sry Martin, what have you said?"I questioned him

"To go to the supermarket"

"Aaahhhh yeah!"

Martin grabbed the keys from the kitchen counter and I grabbed my camera from my room.Since we were walking it to the supermarket my camera would be useful to capture some photos.

Julian's Pov:

I had arrived at Ibiza and after some hours a taxi came to pick me up from the hotel that I was going to stay for the next week.I grabbed my phone and started to go through some of Hailey's photos.Yep,I have some of her photos on my phone! I can't take her out of my mind, she's so lovely and sexy.I want  to hold her in my arms like the last time, when I was about to kiss her. I was only a few centimetres away from her lips. I am head over heels over her but I think that she only likes me as a friend. Whenever I'm at a club playing my own music, I imagine her to be in the crowd dancing to my tracks.I hope that while I'm away nothing happens between her and Martin.Although he told me that he does not feel anything towards her, I know that he feels something for her.

"Mr,Jordan we arrived to the club"my personal assistant said

"Thanks, Anastasia", I smiled at her and got out from the Range Rover.

"Ana, remind me to phone Hailey the first thing in the morning".

"ok,Julian",Anastasia said.

I headed to the stage, the crowd cheered when they saw me on stage.It was going to be an unforgettable night!

what will be Julian's reaction if he gets to know about Martin and Hailey?A surprise for Hailey from Martin and later on a proposal from Julian !All of this ,in the upcoming Chapters
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