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Hailey's Pov:

      I was super excited for this new adventure!It was 5 in the afternoon and I was at the airport with my family.I was going to miss them especially my grandma because she was still recovered, hopefully when I come back she will be out and be waiting for me.Although, I was enthusiastic for this journey, at heart I wasn't. The things between me and Martin did not fix and I had to spend a whole month with him and Julian thanks god! Maybe in this month I will tell him the truth.

     I was talking with my mum and dad, when I heard Julian saying from behind me "Where is my photographer?" I turned around and Julian hugged me.He was really amazing!I was grateful for his offer.When I looked at Martin, he looked away.

"Hailey, it's time to say goodbye to your family" Julian said to me.

I hugged my mum and dad."I'm going to miss you so so much.I promise that I will cal you everyday!"

"Julian"My dad said with an aoutorative voice " take care of our princess".

"Yes Mr Saint John.Don't worry she will be fine"

We started to walk away from them. Martin was ahead of us.'god I have to spend a whole month with him' I thought to myself. 'How could he be so selfish and full of himself'.

On the plane:

"Wow, Jul this is so cool, having a plane for yourself !"

"Yep.Do you like it?" He questioned me.

I gave him a grin "Obviously! it is so personalised , is this of Martin?"I asked Julian.I saw the  red seats of the passengers embroidered with his  name .Martin turned to face me

"Yes, this is my plane", he told me sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and he turned to to find his seat. I decided to sit at the back so I won't see his face.To be honest his perfect face but I tried to burry my feelings for him.

"Hail,come here don't stay on your own"

"No,Jul is better to stay here " I responded.

"c'mon Hail"He came up to me and started to pick up my things.

"Julian, I don't want to sit next to someone who don't want to listen to me because he's selfish".I was telling these things because Martin was wearing his headphones and starring at the Mac book.

"C'mon, Hail don't worry. Sit here". Julian told me in a calm voice.

"Seriously!" I exclaimed. "Opposite Him?!"

"Hail don't make a fuss. You have to see his face for the next month"

"I know right".

Martin's Pov:

I was on my plane and headed straight to my seat. Although I was trying  not to focus about Hailey, my mind still kept thinking of her.When she stepped on the plane she was amazed and she did not pretend that it was mine.I could travel the whole world with her on my plane. Only me and her and obviously the pilot! How idiot I am thinking about her!She practically ditched me and left me waiting for her for hours. Even though I was wearing my headphones they were turned off and I could hear Julian shouting at Hailey.

"Hail,come here don't stay on your own".I was pretending that I was doing something on my Mac.

"No,Jul is better to stay here",she told him. However he kept pressuring her to sit next to us."Julian,I don't want to sit next to someone who don't want to listen to me because he's selfish". I tried to keep calm because I wanted to tell her who was selfish !I wanted to know why she ditched me but at the same time I did not want to give her satisfaction.

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