chapter 4

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Hailey's Pov:

'Hail,are you ok? you seem a little bit pail' Ashley asked me.

'Yeah,I'm fine,' I told her 'but ow did he get my number?' I asked to myself but Ashley thought that I was talking to her.'

'What are you talking about? who has your number?'

'someone whom I just met'I said

'who is this person?'she asked surprised

'He's Martin ....Martin Garrix'.

'I don't know who you're  talking about, who's this Martin?'Ashley told me, with her serious voice. Ashley is a rock lover and she only listens to rock bands like: Paramore, imagine dragons,Sleeping with sirens and so on.

'He's a really famous dj' I replied giving her a smirk.

'looks like Marty wants to go on a date with Hailey!' James snapped from behind me.

'shut up James, he didn't ask me out .....he just invited me  for a coffee.' I grabbed a pillow and threw it to him.

'ouch, that hurts'.He shouted.

'Let me Check out who he is !'Ashley grabbed her Mac book and went on google,'Jezz, he's really sexy!'Ashley gasped 'I need to breath.'

Siny and Eric came in with a tray full of orange juice and chocolate biscuits.

'What are you talking about? I just heard the name Martin Garrix and I have to admit, I have become an edm fan since I get to know how hot he is!'

'Hailey has a date with him' James snapped again.

'Really?' Sindy asked

'No ,he just invited me for a drink or coffee'. I told her.

'Guys, sorry to interrupt but we have to continue with our rehearsals'.Eric interrupted.

Beer Fest:

Julian's Pov

I was really excited for tonight. First of all In not more than an hour and a half I'm going to be on that huge stage.But besides I'm excited to see Hailey with her band performing.She will rock the stage I can feel it! I grabbed my phone to message her,

"Good luck Hail you're surely gonna rock the stage xx ;)"

after some time I felt my iphone vibrating in my pocket.
"Thx, you're so sweet:-) "

I looked  around and saw Martin coming back with two pints of bear. I waved at him.

'This is your's Jul' Martin told me.

'Thanks mate ,but don't' drink a lot of bear cause you have to perform',I told Martin.

'Got it!' he smiled.'When is Hailey going to perform with his band?' Martin asked me.

' soon like 15 minutes'.

He grabbed his mobile and started to text her.

15 minutes after:

Ladies and gentleman please welcome Angel fall. The host said. The crowd burst into a big applause. Hailey started to sing. Her voice is so angelic, sweet and pure. She is really into it! I was amazed and she was really hot. She was wearing a black leather jacket, underneath it a white top ,a pair of black trousers torn and a black bike boots. I was mesmerised! I looked at Martin, he was totally lost looking at her.

     When you re having fun time really goes by quickly! Angel fall were singing their last song.Hailey was singing a  cover by R5 called 'Heart made up on you'.The crowd where singing along her and jumping, she really got the crowd hooked! Martin was enjoying himself even though he is not a big fan of rock music.

Martin's pov:

Hailey was rocking the stage.She really got me hooked even though I don't like rock music that much!I have to admit that I liked every song that she sang.My eyes were kind of glued on her, they couldn't go anywhere.When she was singing her last song, 'Heart made up on you' ,she constantly was looking at me, especially when she sang the words:

" My mind says no you're not good for me
      You're no good
But my heart's made up on you" ---R5

I couldn't look away, like the song was dedicated me. Was she singing this song to me? was she making a reference  to me that I'm not good for her?

    The crowd was jumping and having fun and when the song was over, the burst out into a huge applause .

"Thank you, guys you were amazing!" Hailey shouted.

Julian shouted "Hailey, you were amazing" and she gave him a wink from up the stage.

    In a few minutes she joined us with her band. Julian hugged her so tightly and kissed her forehead, like he was her lover! She broke the hug and turned onto me.

"Wow, Hailey you really rocked the stage!" I told her, I really wanted to hug her like Julian did. I also wanted to ask her why she kept making eye contact with me during the last song but I decided to ask her when we go for a coffee. She introduced us with her band, they are really cool kids!

    It was my turn to take over the stage, I was really excited but I couldn't get off Hailey out of my mind.

"Hello Malta ,let's make some noise"I started  to warm up the crowd with the  track animals. The crowd really enjoy animals.Hailey was really into it; she was jumping and dancing with her band and Julian.(notice the emphasis on his name)! She's a really good dancer.After a while a saw  Hailey on James shoulders, with her hands in the air.I winked at her and she smiled in response.I was envy now for her band mate,James!he must be having a really great time.

"Thank you Malta!" I shouted ,when my time on stage was over.I really did enjoy this show, especially because Hailey had a great time.


      I went to join the others but I could not see Hailey.I asked her band mate Ashley about Hailey.

"She had to leave because her dad came to pick her up" she told me.

I was upset, she could have waited for me! Julian came up to me with a pint of bear.While I was drinking it,I felt my iphone vibrating.I grapped it from my pockets.

'Hey,Marty....sry I had to leave but it was absolutely the best concert I have ever attended.You are the best Dj ever xxx thx.'

I replied immediately.

'I have to admit that although I am not a rock fan I did enjoy your performance you were really amazing on stage :-)  keep it up xx'

I waited and kept on waiting but I did not receive any messages from her.I really wished a reply from her.

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