chapter 3 part 2

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I have decided that since chapter 3 was short,it was better to make the second part.

Julian's pov:

I can't wait for today's photoshoot and besides I am going to spend nearly the whole day with Hailey!I am getting dressed, she's a genius, I always wanted to take photoshoot which involved going back in time.She really had an original idea.We arrived at Mdina and she was no where to be seen ,so since I had her number I decided to text her. After a minute I saw her coming from a side street with her Nikon camera dangling around her neck.She was totally gorgeous!However when she was walking towards us, when she saw Martin she stopped,like she had saw something out of this world.Nobody noticed, but I did they were starring at each other. Is there something going on between them? I have to admit that I felt a spark of envy, what a shame !I am envious of Martin my best friend?I had to do something so I decided to go to talk with her.She did not notice me walking towards her, she should really be immersed in her thoughts!when she came back from outer space , I asked her if she was ok and she told me that she was noticing a bird.She was definitely lying, I could figure out that it was a lie from her tone of voice.

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Hailey's Pov:

"Wow, Hail you really had a great idea for the photoshoot" Julian told me, Amazed with the beauty of the architecture of the city.

"Thank you Jul" I said, I was really amazed with his comment that I just put my hands around him and gave him a hug.He hugged me back.When we were hugging I opened my eyes and I could see Martin. He was looking at us and when he saw me looking at him, he turned his back to us and went to talk with Scooter and Alex. I wanted to hug Martin so badly!but I couldn't.I broke the hug " we should start working!" I whispered to Julian. We went where Martin,Sooter and Alex.

"Guys, we should get started!" I told them.Everybody's attention was on me.

"Yeah sure"Martin told me with a smile on his face.He was such  cutey!

"Just to give you some background history about Mdina, so you both  can  enter into the characters"

" Be brief Hail!because you are so into history that you would end up giving us lots of information" Alex told me laughing.

"okejj Alex,I got you'r massage" I replied Alex bored."so Mdina was Malta's old capital city.This city has seen loads of famous people such as grandmasters like L'isle Adam and La Vallette.It also saw the way don't shout because Mdina is known as the Silent City"

Julian and Martin nodded at me.


    We started walking and I found the perfect spot. There was a big house with a huge red door, it was simply perfect for the shoot. I started to position the boys.I've decided to start with Julian because I had confidence with him and started to give him poses.After Julian's photosession was over it was time for Martin's. I started to sweat, my engery in me was kind of lost and I started to avoid eye contact  with him. I was feeling awkward and embarrassed when it came to give him poses.I had to touch him too!I could feel that I was starting to get reddish whenever I had to touch him. I could feel his gaze on me and my heartbeat was really fast.

"So how did this passion for photography was developed in you ? " Martin asked me with his super soft voice.

I have to admit , I was tongue tied but I had to reply to his question. I looked at him, his eyes were sparkling like a diamond. So I decided that it was better to look at the screen of the photo camera.

" when I was like twelve years old I used to go around my city and take random pictures, then when my parents bought me first smartphone I s had downloaded an app of editing photos. That was how my passion for photography started". I looked back at him. He had a serious expression, his eyes continued to glitter and his cheeks were starting to get red."we are ready,Martin from the photoshoot"

"Wow, Hail I have to admit that you are a good photographer with great ideas"

"Is this a complement?"

" of  course it is!".He assured me.


Martin and me were alone because the others went to goof around in the city.In the meantime we started to chat about random things.

Martin's Pov:

It was my turn for the photoshoot. Honestly I was feeling uncomfortable

around Hailey.She started to give me poses and whenever it happened to touch me I felt a spark in my heart.I could also feel that she was feeling embarrassed around me, I was nothing less than her. I had to break that ice between me and her so I asked her about how her passion for photography started.I could feel that she really did enjoy photography!Afterwards we started chatting about random things. She's really an interesting person. After chatting  about a few things the others came to join us.Julian was eating a chocolate ice cream and in his other two hand he was holding two other ice creams, one chocolate flavoured and the other one Vanilla flavoured. Julian gave me the Vanilla ice cream and the chocolate one to Hailey."Thx Jul" Hailey said and gave him a huge smile.I love the way she smiles!God am I getting obsessed about this girl??However I did not asked her for her mobile number I'm too shy to ask her."by the way ,Hail are you going to perform on Thursday at the Beer festival?"Julian questioned her.Is she a singer? she didn't tell me that she was a performer. "you're a performer?" I snapped. Hailey was surprised by my question."yes,I'm going to perform with my band at the bear festival"Wow she is really talented ,I'm looking foward to see her on stage. "I will be there to support you"I told her, without even knowing how the words came out of my mouth. She looked at me with her sweet eyes, I felt myself getting embarrassed."Yeah,Hail of course we will be there front row" Julian agreed with me. while we were talking we heard Alex's voice "So guys that was all for today, thank you very much."Hailey looked at her Michael Kors watch,"I have to leave you guys, I have to meet with my band for some rehearsals, Alex I have to leave"Hailey told Alex.We waved at her and she started to walk away from us.

        After some time we left and we arrived at the hotel,me and Julian headed to our room because we were sharing the room since we are best friends."Martin, I'm going to take a shower to refresh a bit, cause I'm really exhausted."

"Yeah sure buddy"I replied.

I went to to watch some tv , to relax a bit, after that photoshoot.Usually I hate photoshoots but this one was the best one.I could hear the water of the shower on and Julian humming while taking the shower.I went to the kitchenette and saw Julian's phone.I can get Hailey's number  from Julian's phone. I gabbed  his phone and searched for her number.After some time I found her and saved it in my phone. Yeahy ,I have her number. Next step is to message or call her.I did not waist any time I called her.I waited some time and she picked up.

"Hello"a sweat voice answered me , it was definitely Hailey."Hello, who's there ?"

I was going to start to sweat but I plugged my courage "Hello,Hailey.I'm Martin"

"Hi, Martin"she sounded surprised." How did you get my number?"

"Ummm, I have some sourses" I said."I was going to ask you if, um , don't want to hang out with me."

I could hear her giggle "Yeah sure!but unfortunately I can't tomorrow because I have  full today rehearsals with my band"

"It's not a problem I have two weeks here in Malta"

"I'm really sorry but I have to hung up cause I am  rehearsing with my band.Bye Martin and thanks"

"Bye Hail"

Yeahy,I'm super Martin! and full points goes to Me.

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