Part Seventeen: In the Shrub

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okay folks, sorry for the wait! Oh, and I'm on a tablet, so don't expect any bolds or italics! Please enjoy! :D


Part Seventeen: In the Shrub

Tsubasa watched in horror as Natsume took a step closer to the open journal in Mikan's hands. There was no way that Tsubasa could have predicted THIS happening.....

Maybe that was why everyone else always had a plan b........

In any case, Natsume had just bent down a little to look at th cover of the journal, which was still open........

Mikan, however, was still screaming insults at Natsume's face

Tsubasa couldn't believe it. For the first time, he kind of wanted to slap Mikan, which was very rare......

Tsubasa crossed his fingers and settled back down into his shrub. No one said he had to stay to watch this.

Still, he couldn't resist, and the next thing you know, Tsubasa was saying at Natsume and Mikan through the leaves of the Bush he was in.

Right now, Mikan had noticed Natsume, but didn't really do anything.

In fact, it looked like Mikan had no idea that the book she was holding right now was Natsume's diary. If she did know, then she was carefully good at restraining herself of from blabbing all of Natsume's secrets.

Tsubasa turned his attention to Natsume. Ugh oh, Natsume had, in fact, seen the old cover of the book.

With a start, Natsume let out a yelp, and made a grab for the book.

Tsubasa sighed, then crawled back down into his shrub. This wasn't going to be very pretty, not one bit.

And Tsubasa had no intention of leaving this shrub any time soon.


Yay, I'm done with another part! :D sorry if it was boring, but the next one will be better, I promise!

Sorry for the long wait and any spelling or grammar errors!

Hope you enjoyed!


Secrets in the Pages, Natsume's Journal. A Gakuen Alice FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now