Part Thirteen: The Plan

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Part Thirteen: The Plan

How? How was Tsubasa supposed to give the diary back to Natsume?

Sure, he could just hand it to him, but there was no way he was just going to walk up to Natsume and say,

"Hey, here's your diary. You dropped it and I started snooping in it."

Tsubasa paced up and down. What to do? Then another thought struck him. He could just give it to Mikan! That would be simple! But how was Tsubasa to explain why he had it?

Tsubasa sighed, then sat down. He opened up the diary to the exact page where Natsume had admitted his love to Mikan. If only Mikan saw it. Wait..............she might.................a plan started to form in Tsubasa's head.

First Step: put a bookmark of some sort where this page is.

Step Two: Hope that Mikan drops the book open to the spot of the bookmark.

Step Three: Give Mikan diary.

Step Four: Say that you found it in the library.

Step Five: Wait for results.

There they were. Five simple, simple steps. Tsubasa started to feel himself become more and more excited. Oh, this was going to be fun.

First, Tsubasa went to his drawer to search for a bookmark. The bookmark he was looking for was odly thick, and could be easily hidden in the pages of the book. Finally, after a couple of minutes of searching, he finally found it.

It was a metal bookmark, and rather thick. It had a thin coating on the outside that was the exact color of the pages of Natsume's journal.

Tsubasa carefully stabbed the book mark as close to the spine as possible, so that it wouldn't be noticed. He shut the book. Tsubasa then went and got a very weak ribbon, red, to match the cover (if you could still see it), and losely tied it around the book.

Tsubasa held up the book.

The ribbon was what held the pages together, but if that ribbon came off or broke, then the book would fall open in the possesor's hands.

Tsubasa smirked, then looked out the window. The sun was setting. He'd have to wait for tommorow to finish the plan.

If things went well....................well, you know what I mean. Tommorow was going to be a fun day.


Okay! Part Thirteen is done!

Like I said before, I'm going to try and finish up this story one of these days.

Sorry for any grammer and spelling errors.

Please comment and vote if you liked it.

I'm doing the ten reads and one follower thing again. if you don't know about it, go to the last part to see it.

It's just that I'm only posting the next part when I get at least one more follower and at least ten more reads. And hopefully a vote? 

It's just that I need to make sure enough people like this!

Hope you enjoyed! ^_^


Secrets in the Pages, Natsume's Journal. A Gakuen Alice FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now