Part Two: Natsume's Journal?!

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     Part Two: Natsume's JOURNAL?!

There was no doubt about it. This was Natsume's journal. A sudden thought struck Tsubasa.

     Why the hell does Natsume have a journal?! OOOHHHHH, blackmail! You know, maybe he'd keep the journal a little longer than he thought.........still, why would Natsume have a journal? Didn't sound like something that he would use. Still, this was undoubtedly Natsume's journal. 

     Tsubasa had a sudden urge to open up the journal and read it aloud. Right here, right now. Even better, maybe he could print one-million copies of it and hand them out like newspapers. Yeah right. That would be a guarantee suicide. And, like I said before, I quite like living. But seriously, this was a one in a lifetime chance here, and it would be so easy to get revenge on the little twerp for all the problems he causes.

    Well, then again, if someone got a punishment for every single bothersome thing that they did in their life, Tsubasa might be dead......

     Well, he should at least read it before deciding what to do with it. Hey, maybe he was nice enough NOT to sell one million copies of it, but he sure wasn't nice enough to keep his nose out of Natsume's business. Tsubasa looked around, the sun was already setting. Man! He'd been standing there doing nothing for way to long!

     He vaguely wondered how many stares he had received from other people. To many to count. Now that he thought about it, he could've sworn that he had seen the evil seaweed head walking by. He was probably one of the people who looked at him like he was mental.

    Great, now the evil seaweed head would be spreading rumors. Let him try, Tsubasa thought. He took another glance at Natsume's journal. What an awful lot of trouble it was causing. It had better have something good in it, or Tsubasa would have to deal with all this for nothing. Anyways, he'd better eat, then he could start reading it.

     After dinner

    Tsubasa was back at his dorm, trying to supress a smile. He wondered if the evil seaweed head had stopped doing squats yet. Had it been three hours? Nope, only one. Tsubasa smiled again. Revenge was so sweet. 

     He pulled out Natsume's journal, which he had carefully hidden with his textbooks. He would start reading it now, and then he could figure out what to do with it. As he took it out, a huge cloud of dust came with the journal. Tsubasa sneezed five times. Natsume sure didn't take care of his stuff. Then again, it might have been the dust that was on all of Tsubasa's books....

     Well, Tsubasa carefully lifted the cover, then began to read................

Secrets in the Pages, Natsume's Journal. A Gakuen Alice FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now