Part Fourteen: Carrying Out the Plan

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Part Fourteen: Carrying Out the Plan

The next day, Tsubasa went to the special's room a little earlier than usual.

Mikan was always the first there, while the rest of them would always arrive around fifteen minutes late. Tsubasa looked at the clock. One more minute.

Sure enough, in one minute's time, Mikan opened the door and went in. She looked suprised to see Tsubasa sitting there so early.

"Good morning, Tsubasa-senpai!" Mikan called cheerfully.

"Good morning!" Tsubasa answered. Then he went down to buisness.

"Hey, Mikan, can you do me a favor?" he asked.

"Sure!" Mikan replied.

Tsubasa held out the book, trying his best to not accidentaly break the string. He continued talking,

"I found this thing in the library" Tsubasa held up the worn down book so that Mikan could see it,"I think it says Natsume on it. Could you give it to him?" He finished asking.

"Of course!" Mikan said.

Tsubasa couldn't help but smile a bit. A normal person would've asked why he couldn't give it to Natsume himself. Of course, Mikan didn't.

Pretty soon, more people began to file in, and soon special class had started.

Of course, Nodachi had gone missing again, so the entire class time was spent partying and talking, like it always was when Noda wasn't there. All the time, Tsubasa kept making sure the string on Natsume's diary wasn't slipping. It couldn't fall off now. 

Pretty soon, special's class was over.

Tsubasa wondered if Mikan would actually end up reading the book.  Sure, even if it fell, Mikan still might not read it.

So, Tsubasa decided to just, a.........., follow Mikan for a bit.

It took quite a long time to find her, seeing as Tsubasa had started around ten minutes after she had left. Tsubasa quietly hid in a tree, then looked at the road.

Finally, a shape that resembled Mikan came walking down it.

Tsubasa managed to get a quick glimpse at the diary. The string looked like it was about to break soon. It was also very dirty, now that he took a better look at it, just as in bad shape as Natsume's diary.

Well, at least that would make it look like the string was actually supposed to be there.

Tsubasa kept watching that string as it got tighter and tighter, until it finally broke.


Just as predicted, the book fell right out of Mikan's hands and landed face down on the ground. Tsubasa held his breath as Mikan bent down to pick it up.

It was in her hands now.

All of a sudden, Tsubasa saw another shape coming down the road. Ugh oh..........he knew who that was.

It was Natsume.


Alright! This story is starting to come to as end! Sorry for any errors, and sorry if it was a bit boring, the next one'll be better!

I decided to post this early since I got so many reads!

After this story is finally finished, I promise I'll continue on my other Gakuen Alice fanfiction, for those who have been waiting for that. I might also start another story soon, so look out for it!

Hope you enjoyed! ^_^


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