Part Six: The Start of Some Problems

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Hello! This is part six of this story! Sorry that it took so long, had a bit of a brain block. Anyways, tell me how it is!



Part Six: The Start of Some Problems

Tsubasa was in a bad mood. Apparently, some teacher had discovered his little "prank" on evil seaweed head, and Tsubasa had been forced to let seaweed head stop doing star jumps. (Now that he thought about it, he probably should have done burpees instead. That would have been more painful)

So, anyways, after letting evil seaweed head out of his torture, he'd been given detention, which wouldn't have been that bad, except for the fact that Tsubasa wanted to read more of Natsume's journal.

So there he was, stuck sitting at the headquarters with absolutely NOTHING to do but stare at the flowery wallpaper in front of him.

Tsubasa sighed, this was not his day.


Natsume was in a bad mood.

His journal, (not a diary) had been missing for nearly a week. This totally messed up his usual schedule of skipping class while writing in the thing in order to help vent out anger.

Natsume pulled the manga from off his face and left the classroom, not even saying a word to Ruka.


When Ruka saw Natsume leaving the classroom, he couldn't help but get a little worried. After all, Natsume had been in a bad mood ever since last week.

All of a sudden, a thought struck Ruka. He remembered a sulky Natsume walking away from Mikan, maybe those two had gotten into a fight! That might explain why Natsume was so sulky!

But...........that couldn't be right...........besides, Natsume never started sulking after Mikan and him fought (at least not out loud) so why would he start now? No..........there must be another reason why he was in such a bad mood.

Well, it took a lot to make Natsume mad, so it must be something REALLY important. Maybe he should ask someone.

After thinking a bit, Ruka finally walked up to Hotaru and asked if she (or her cameras) had seen or knew anything about Natsume. (Mikan wasn't there, thank goodness.) 


Hotaru was sitting at her desk, working on the new upgraded baka cannon. She looked up irritably as someone called out to her. Hey, she was busy, didn't they see that? Hotaru lifted up her head to see Ruka standing there. What did he want?

"Imai....."He said, then trailed off. Hotaru tapped her foot impatiently.

"What is it?"She finally said, unable to wait any longer. What she really wanted to do right now was pull out her new upgraded baka cannon and test it on whoever dared to disturb her work.

Ruka continued talking, "It's just, do you have any idea why Natsume has been in such a.......did you notice his bad mood?" Ruka asked.

Hotaru snorted, "How, could I not notice, with Mikan crying to me every day saying that Natsume roasted her hair or something." It wasn't really a question, so Ruka thought it best to not answer. He went on,

"Well, do you know why he might be in such a bad mood?"

"How would I know?" Hotaru answered him.

Ruka replied,"Well, you have those hidden cameras everywhere, so I just thought........."he trailed off, lost for words.

Hotaru looked at him with cold eyes, "They're all broken, becuase you smashed them."

Ruka gulped, trying NOT to remember the picture of him in a school uniform that Hotaru had taken. He had just barely managed to stop Hotaru from taking more random pictures of him with her cameras.

"Okay, okay, I get it. I'll leave" Then Ruka turned to leave, he was suprised when he heard

"Just wait, I might be able to help you." The truth was, (even if Hotaru hated to admit it), she really cared about Mikan, and it was getting annoying, having Mikan running to her wailing about Natsume. Its best that she figure out why Natsume was in such a bad mood, so that she could actually work in peace for once.

"I'll help you." Hotaru said. Ruka could hardly beleive his ears, he was about to thank her, when........

"If you let me take more pictures of you in a girl's school uniform." Hotaru added, she didn't help people without a price.

Ruka sighed, he guessed that it was worth it, to help Natsume.

"Okay, okay, I'll agree to that, but only five!" Ruka mumbled.

"Good" Hotaru said with some sastifacation, it would be enough money to pay for the damages he had made to her cameras.

"I suggest that we start by questioning other people first, people who always seem to see everything." Hotaru continued, then looked Ruka in the eye. Ruka was deep in thought. He was clearly doing this all for Natsume. Finally, he spoke up,

"Oh, I know who! How about Tsubasa?"


Ohhhhhh, cliff hanger! ^_^ Please tell me how this is! Also, please tell me ways of improving on this story! See ya next chapter!


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