Part Three: Boring?

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    Part Three: Boring?

    The First Entry read:

                                                     Today, Naru gave the most ridiculus test that could ever exist. Who forces students to write a love letter to them? I, of course, didn't do it. I'll be getting an F, but I sure don't care. Mikan 

     Tsubasa stopped. Did he just call Mikan by her name? And why didn't he put on dates? Well, this appeared to be the semester tests that Mikan was whining about. He read on:

       Mikan was freaking out about the tests, though I don't see why she would be. They're just dumb tests that teachers make us take. She said something about not wanting to get kicked out of Alice Academy, ot that the school would ever do that. She'd just get held back.

        I wouldn't mind getting kicked out, but that's not even possible.


    Tsubasa read the next entry:

                                                                                        Today Prez got the best student award, so he's gone to home for one week. I would've liked to go home, but I'd never get the prize. I even listed the reasons:

1. Persona 

2. I would never be so good

3. No match for Prez

         The teachers also started looking for loss of alices. I wish I'd lose my alice, then I could leave here. Of course, I'd figure out ow to get Ruka out too. Though I know that I'll never lose my alice, cause I already know my alice type. Ruka's starting to figure out what it is, Mikan too. I'll have to get better at hiding it.

    Tsubasa looked at the page again. Not very interesting, boring, even. Maybe he should stop. Well, he'd try it a little longer.

                                                                                                Today we ended up sneaking into the high school using time traveling candy in order to find the ancient warphole to save Imai and to get back Prez's alice. We went with lLong-haired, Mikan, Ruka, myself, and Shadow. Ruka and Mikan were dumb enough to fall in the anti-gravity feild. Ruka was smart enough to not move in there, but the baka Mikan was swirling around like mad.

     They were finally saved when Shadow used his alice. I guess I was a little suprised that he could do that, since I assumed that he had the weakest alice ever, but

     Weakest alice ever?! Okay, that's it. Natsume was going to take a beating after Tsubasa finished snooping (scratch that) reading in his journal. Tsubasa read on:

     but I guess he's not that bad

     This shocked Tsubasa. NATSUME wrote this?! Unbeleivable................

     Anyways, we finally found the stupid warphole and jumped in. Then we tried to follow Z. Ruka's foot nearly got turned to stone, but Mikan managed to protect him using the alice stone of Long-haired, then

     Tsubasa smirked, Maybe he should tell Tono that he was known as, "Long-haired" in Natsume's mind. Then again, he was Shadow, so maybe he shouldn't laugh...

     then Shadow stopped the trees who where using the alice because Medusa transfered some of his power to them. Shadow use his alice again, and after that, I'm pretty sure that he shouldn't be a double. When we found Z

     Hmmm, so Natsume did write in this thing a lot. Tsubasa read on about the "Warphole Arc" as he called it. It started getting kindoff boring, especially since he already knew about all of this.Tsubasa started flicking through the pages. Man it was full, where does Natsume get the energy to write this? 

     Tsubasa was about to shut the book when he actually saw something interesting........

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