Part Seven: Awkward!

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Hello! This is the seventh part of this fanfiction! ^_^ It's also where you start to get a bit of a plot! (Not that I didn't already have one). Anyways, read and enjoy! XD

DISCLAIMER: I DO NOT OWN GAKUEN ALICE!                                                                                                        


Part Seven: Awkward!

Tsubasa sighed, then stared at the clock. Two more hours of this madness to go. He sighed again. He really wanted to read more of Natsume's journal right now, but he would have to wait two more hours.

Oh, and he was planning on killing evil-seaweed head, but that shouldn't take more than three or four minutes. Well, all he could do right now was sit there and wait.


Hotaru raised her eyebrows.

"Why him?"

"Well....."Ruka said, then trailed off.

"He kind of likes spying on people, so........."He stopped again.

Hotaru raised her eyebrows, "That has gotta be the most ridiculous idea I've ever heard."

"Well, it was just a thought!" Ruka replied angrily.

Hotaru smirked. "Then its the most ridiculous thought that I've ever heard." 

Ruka sighed. He should have known better than to ask Hotaru for help. Well, she was smart, so he guesses that that was why he had decided to ask her for help first.

And besides, it still didn't seem like a very bad idea, and it was obvious that she couldn't think of anyone else that they could 

1. easily find

2. seemed to be VERY good at spying

3. just knew basically everything.

Ruka sighed again, and turned to leave.

"Well, I'll be going now...."he muttered, then slowly walked away, when...............


A loud shot sounded from behind him, nearly hitting him. He spun around, and saw Hotaru grabbing onto his shoulder, with her baka gun pointed at Ruka's face. Hotaru gave a small smirk, then said,

"Wait. I'm not missing a chance to make some money."

Ruka shuddered, then remembered the promise that he had made. Why had he been so stupid? Now he would HAVE to let her take some pictures, whether she helped him or not. Ruka should've known that it was a trick.

Hotaru was pulling out her camera, the only one that Ruka hadn't broken, and she was also taking out a spare girl's uniform.

Ruka did some quick thinking,

If I don't do anything, I'll be embarresed for no reason, but if I make sure that Hotaru helps me figure out what's wrong with Natsume, then I'll have at least gotten SOMETHING out of that stupid promise I made.

Ruka spoke to Hotaru in a hurried tone, "Wait! I'll let you take some pictures, but you have to help me!" 

Hotaru had her camera out by now.

"Suit yourself" She put the camera up to her face, and was about to click the button for taking pictures, when Ruka quickly ran behind a desk. He wasn't deceived. Chances were, Hotaru would probably just leave their promise and run off after taking her pictures.

Ruka slowly raised his head, then spoke to her,"You have to help me first." He said, trying to keep his voice form wavering.

He was fully prepared for Hotaru to say no, and was shocked when Hotaru put her camera away.

"fine."she said, and swung her bag over her shoulder and stood up. She pulled out her swan scooter, and jumped onto it.

"Wait!"Ruka called,"Where are you going?"

Hotaru turned around and looked at him with a mocking face,"You said that you wanted to question Baldy, didn't you?"

Ruka stood up."But I thought........."he never got a chance to finish speaking, for Hotaru had already zoomed off. "Wait!" Ruka called again, "Wait up!" To his amazment, Hotaru did slow down. Luck sure was with him today.

By the time that he had caught up to Hotaru, Ruka was already panting ,"Can I pant pant ride on this thing pant pant?" 

Hotaru didn't say anything, only moved over to let him on. Wow. Hotaru sure was being nice today, as soon as he thought the words, Hotaru looked at him with a smirk on her face, then she said, 

"But don't forget. A deal is a deal."

Ruka gulped, but she was right. A deal was a deal.

"I know" he answered to her "a deal is a deal."


Hope you enjoyed! ^_^ Please comment below!


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