Part One, An Unexpected Discovery

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Just in case you don't know what Gakuen Alice is, it's this school for people who have alices, which are special powers, and.... Yeah, just consult wikipedia. (I'm to lazy to explain anything.) This is mostly told through Tsubasa Andou's point of view. This is my first fanfiction, so tell me how it is. Enjoy! ^_^

Part One, An Unexpected Discovery

Tsubasa Andou was walking to his room, having just woken up from a nap in his favorite tree. He yawned. Down below, other kids were also heading to there rooms. He happened to notice Natsume Hyuuga and Mikan Sakura. He would've waved, looked like those two were fighting. Again. Anyways, Tsubasa didn't want to be roasted alive by Natsume, so it'd probably be best to just keep quiet.

As they walked past the tree he was lying in, he noticed Natsume's bag. It was in pretty bad shape, and a book was popping out of a hole. The hole got bigger and bigger, until finally the book fell out. Natsume and Mikan were both to busy arguing to notice it.

Tsubasa hopped out of the tree, then picked up the book. He wanted to give it back to Natsume, but he had already gone to his room. Oh well. He could just give it to Mikan during S.A. and she could give it back to Natsume. Not only would that stop Tsubasa from getting burned to death(Natsume would definitely acuse Tsubasa of stealing it), but it would also be a good excuse for Mikan to talk to Natsume after their fight was over.

Afterall,everybodyknew that they liked each other. They just wouldn't admit it. Tsubasa had nearly gotten killed by Natsume when he had mentioned it last week. Mind you, he didn't want to die just yet.

Tsubasa took a closer look at the book in his hands. It was small, smaller than a textbook, and it was very dirty. It should've been red, but it was so worn down, you couldn't tell. Tsubasa looked closer at the book. He couldn't even tell what the book was called. He opened it up. Well, the inside was in much better condition than the outside, and now he knew what it was.

Tsubasa closed the book and took another look at the cover. Yep, he was right. He knew what this book was. On the cover, in very faint handwriting, it said:

Natsume's Journal. was it? Please comment!

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