Part Five: Star Jumps and Confusion

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Part Four: Star Jumps and Confusion


Tsubasa was in his dorm (not sleeping in a tree for once), trying to figure out how to blackmail Natsume without getting himself killed. Mind you, he still liked life.

Of course, Tsubasa was flipping through journal pages, trying to find more entries of interest. After hours and hours of searching, he finally found one. It just happened to be the entry that came right after the one he had read the night before(Natsume's love confession). Of course, it was still talking about Natsume's confusing love for Mikan.

The entry read:

Man, I'm still so confused about yesterday. How can I like the same girl that Ruka likes? We're best friends, so it can't possibly work out.........and Mikan obviously likes Ruka better than me, so maybe I should just give up on her.

She still won't even talk to me, not since yesterday. Instead, she's been chatting with Ruka an awful lot................Yeah. She probably likes Ruka, not me.

Tsubasa was shocked. How could Natsume think that? It was obvious who Mikan liked, Natsume! Who could look at Mikan and not tell? Natsume, obviously. Natsume seriously needed to get better at expressing his feelings.

Tsubasa soon realized that he was missing lunch, and he hastily closed Natsume's journal. He'd read some more after lunch.


After Lunch............

Tsubasa walked back to his dorm, still mad at evil seaweed head. Hey, it was just plain rude of him to yell out in the middle of the lunch room that Tsubasa...............okay, it's just to bad to say. Anyways, let's just say that Tsubasa was so angry that he made seaweed head to star jumps for the rest of his life.

Or, at least, until a teacher finally notices.

Anyways, it was clear exactly how much trouble this journal was causing. That was the third time that mister seaweed head shouted out like that. It was also quite clear that that wouldn't be the last shout out, either.

Well, if this thing was causing so must trouble,maybe Tsubasa should just give it back to Natsume. It was weird how Natsume hadn't noticed it gone yet. Or maybe he had..............

Tsubasa vaguley remembered a Natsume in a bad mood setting fire to his hair. Hmmmmmm, maybe he had noticed, and that was why he was tempered? Feeling murderous? Well, didn't Natsume always feel murderous?

Oh what am I thinking?!

He'd better get focused on the main point, instead of wondering why Natsume was so short tempered these days. Perhaps Tsubasa should return the journal, afterall, it didn't really do anything good. Except supply a life's worth of blackmail.

Okay, Tsubasa was just plain confused. Should he give back the journal, or keep it to try and find more blackmail?

Keep it! said a small voice in his head. He did burn you, or at least tried to. Tsubasa answered his thoughts. Well, he still tried. The voice repeated stubbornly, that deserves punishment! Okay, I guess that behavior does deserve punishment, but what if the reason why he got so mad so easily was because I have his journal?

For once, that little voice in his head didn't answer. Great, the only time he needed that little voice to answer, it didn't.

Just my luck. Tsubasa thought.

Nothing was going right today.

Secrets in the Pages, Natsume's Journal. A Gakuen Alice FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now