Part Four: Blackmail! Blackmail!

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Part Three: Blackmail! Blackmail!

Tsubasa eagerly read the entry:

Today, Mikan got into another fight with me.............

It went on to talk about how the fight started, (Something about the name Polka Dots), then came the interesting part..........

I don't know why, but I was kind of sad when Mikan refused to talk to me, it, it, it, hurt. I dont know why, but it just hurt, and, and......Well, her smile is just so much, and she's just so sweet, so I didn't like fighting with her, and I want her to, to, to notice me, and to talk to me, but in a good way, and, and...................Oh my god. I think I'm falling for her.......

Tsubasa smiled. Awwwwwwww Natsume could be so cute at times. At least he finaly figured out his own feelings. He quickly stared back down at the page, it said:

I don't know why I'm falling for her...I mean, Ruka likes her, and I can't like the same person that he likes, that just doesn't work, and I can't get close to her, either, because, because.....I don't know. I just don't want to lose her, I'm.....I'm...scared.......I'm scared of losing her, because, for some reason, whenever I find someone precious to me, I just......lose it. And, and, I don't want to lose her...........

Natsume really could be cute at times. You know, reading this, maybe it would be nicer if Tsubasa didn't use this thing as blackmail. Afterall, it was quite obvious that he had feelings, and Tsubasa just felt like being nice.

Tsubasa was about to continue reading, when he looked at the clock. Man, it was getting late......He should probably get to bed.

But I don't want to. I want to keep reading. Yes, he answered himself, but I can read tommorow. Fair enough. Then Tsubasa turned off the lamp and went to sleep, thinking about all the things that Natsume had written.


The next day.......................................................

Tsubasa was walking down to breakfast, when he saw Natsume. After reading Natsume's journal entry yesterday, Tsubasa couldn't help but feel like being nice to him.

"Hey!" He said. Natsume was quiet.

Tsubasa gritted his teeth. So much for trying to be nice. He decided to try again.

" are you?" at this, Natsume shot Tsubasa ("Shadow") a cold stare, then Natsume stalked off, setting fire to Tsubasa's untied tie while he walked past him. Tsubasa quickly used his shadow-manipulation alice to put the fire out.

After putting the fire out, Tsubasa was quite, (scratch that) VERY annoyed. Hey, it's not like he had done anything except say hello!

I think that was why he was so rude. Tsubasa answered himeself. Yeesh, a guy tries to be nice and that's what you get. Well, maybe he was in a bad mood...

Are you mad? Then Natsume's always in a bad mood! Okay, Okay. Natsume was just a jerk. What happened to that adorable( he looked around in case mind-reader-kun (Kokoro Yome) was around) little kid who wrote in a journal?

Well, he obviously doesn't exist anymore. Tsubasa couldn't help but thinking. He soon realized that he had been standing stock still for, I dunno, five minutes? Anyways, the evil seaweed head was staring at him again, and he was making a nasty comment to one of his friends. Okay, no one was going to do that to him.


Tsubasa was quite pleased with himself. Hmmmmmmm, maybe he had been a little harsh on the excersise.........Nah, the evil sea-weed head deserved it. Tsubasa grinned again. Well, he and his friend would be stuck doing burpees for one more day.

As he headed to his favorite tree(he was skipping class again) he remembered the earlier incident with Natsume. Okay, it was clear that that kind of behavior needed some punishment, and he'd be just the person to give it out.

But how?

His thoughts wandered to the last journal entry. Sure, it was true that everyone knew that they liked each other, but it was clear that Natsume didn't really know, and that, if he did know, he would pretend to not know. So.........maybe he could put that journal to use......

Imediately, evil thoughts swirled in Tsubasa's head. Well, one thing was clear.

That journal would be the vital step in the "Blackmail Proccess."

Secrets in the Pages, Natsume's Journal. A Gakuen Alice FanfictionΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα