Part Twelve: Why's Everyone After Me?

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Part Twelve: Why's Everyone After Me?

Ruka looked up, then said with shock, "Tsubasa-senpai!"


Tsubasa looked at who had crashed into him. It was Ruka.

Ruka? What was he doing here? Tsubasa peeked behind Ruka and saw Hotaru standing there. That made things even stranger. Why were Hotaru and Ruka here? 

Then Tsubasawas brought back to his senses. The teachers!

Tsubasa twisted his head around a suprised Ruka and saw them coming. Ugh oh...............he should probably get going now, shouldn't he? Without even saying anything, Tsubasa got up and ran off. While he was still in hearing distance, he called back to Ruka and Hotaru,

"Sorry! I've gotta run!" then faced forward, determined to escape the teachers this time.


Ruka looked at Hotaru, then jumped onto the high speed swan scooter.

They had both come to a silent agreement to just give up and go home. Ruka carefully made sure that he had a firm grip on the handle, then looked towards where Tsubasa had just left to.   

What had that been all about?

Ruka sighed, then motioned for Hotaru to start this thing. Hotaru didn't move. 

The only thing she did was raise her eyebrows, hold up her camera, and pointed at the neatly folded girl's school uniform on the scooter.

Darn! Ruka thought.


Tsubasa was in his dorm, having managed to escape the teachers.

As Tsubasa was resting, he couldn't help but wonder what Mikan had wanted to ask him. He had run into her whild heading to his dorm, or running to his dorm, and hadn't been able to catch what she was saying.

Something about Natsume.

Then a thought struck Tsubasa. It was possible, very likely, in fact, that both Mikan and Ruka had noticed Natsume's very sudden cough*murderous!*cough mood.

Tsubasa looked at the worn down book that was laying on his desk. He knew what he had to do.

As much as Tsubasa didn't want to, he had to return it.


Okay! Another part done! I'm going to try to finish this story soon!

Also, if you didn't know about it, I posted a special story. It's about Valentines Day! TsubasaxMisaki! :D However, it's private, available to only my followers.

Just think of it as a thanks that you followed me!

If you REALLY want to read it, PM me, and I'll give you the code! (Or, if you like, I could just send you a copy through your email address)

Also, I WILL NOT post the next part of this story until I have gained at least one follower and ten reads! Why? Because these days, no one's reading this story very much enymore, and there's no point in posting more if no one's going to read it.

Sorry for any grammer and spelling errors!

Hope you enjoyed! 


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