Chapter 40: A Little Talk (Part 2)

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Luke's POV

"What'd she say?" I asked and tried to grab her hand but she pulled it away from me. She still wouldn't look at me, and I was starting to get frustrated. "Sam, please tell me. You've said this much."

"She likes you, Luke!" She said shortly, and after I processed what she said, my mind went blank. I shook my head a little bit and looked at her, noticing how she seemed to take too much interest in the floor. I bit my lip ring,

"Why do you care?" I asked softly, and she almost looked up at me. "Well?" I asked and when she didn't look at me this time, I cupped her face to make her look at me.


"Why do you care?" I repeated and she bit her lip, setting her hands on my wrists. "Hm?" I added and her eyes got watery.

Just say it, Sam. Please. That's all I need. I thought to myself and she hesitated, but ended up shaking her head,

"Luke, I just-" she huffed again, pulling away from me, "I just don't want you to fall into her trap. It happened to Gage twice. She's a bitch. Just please, don't let her get a hold of you." She said and I felt my heart break in a few spots.

I pulled her against my chest in a hug, and she put her forehead in the crook of my neck. I was getting ready to talk but someone came to open the door, and I immediately held her tighter, preparing myself to see Gage standing there.

But instead, I saw Calum.

"Hey, Sam?" He started and she looked at him, a tear stain on one cheek. "Um, I know this probably isn't the best time, but uh, Gage is looking for you."

"Shit." She pulled away from me and looked at Calum, "Tell him I'm downstairs, okay?" She said and he nodded. They both walked out, and I followed suit, just, trailing behind.

I'm not very hungry anymore... God, I should've just made out with her in there. At least for the second kiss, of course. I ran my hand through my hair, and debated whether or not to just go home for the rest of the day.

It's not like she'll care...she probably won't talk to me again for a long time.

"Hi, Luke!" Ragan's voice snapped me out of my thoughts, and I looked up to see her and Emily walk out of the cafeteria and come up to me.

"Hi, girls." I mumbled and gave them a small smile.

"So, we, er, Ragan wants to ask you something." Emily said and I raised an eyebrow. Ragan looked up at me,

"Are you planning on going to Howdy Neighbor Days tomorrow or Saturday?" She asked and Sam's words came into my head again,

'Just please, don't let her get a hold of you.'

"Um, well," I scratched the back of my neck, "I was gonna go with Sam and the boys." I said and they both chuckled,

"Oh, Luke. Sam won't be anywhere near you guys. I mean, she'll be there for like, 5 minutes, and then bail on you. She does it to everyone." Ragan said and I frowned, debating whether or not I believed her. Emily nodded and moved some hair behind her ear,

"Sam isn't exactly one to stick around. Just ask Dora." She said and Ragan nodded,

"Don't let her fool you, Luke. She's a good liar." She said and I narrowed my eyes at her, and glanced between both of them,

"Sam wouldn't lie to us unless-"

"Luke!" I heard my name and I looked up to lock eyes with none other but Mr. Gage Brown. Are you freeking kidding me.? I thought and he came to me, "You busy?" He asked and I raised an eyebrow again, shaking my head. "Well, good. Because I think we need to have a little chat."

"Um," I looked back at Ragan and Emily to see them wave and grin before walking back into the cafeteria, laughing lightly. Wait, why were they laughing? "Why?" I asked and when we got in the gym, he shoved me against the wall.

He fisted my shirt, and I was still in shock when he looked at me. He was really tense,

"If you ever touch her again, I'll kill you. Got it?" His voice was the deepest I'd ever heard it, and it freaked me out. It's crazy how he was still stronger than me, even though he was like, 2 inches shorter.

He pulled me away from the wall slightly before pushing me against it again, this time harder, nearly knocking the wind out of me.

"Do you get it or not?" He asked again and without thinking first, I shook my head to try and come back to reality and he glared at me. "Well here. Let me give you a hand." He let go of my shirt, and before I had time to react, his fist hit me right in the jaw.

I bent over, hearing the one voice I can't go one day without hearing at least once. Hearing the one voice I'm in love with.

Sam's POV

"Gage?" I called out when I came out of the cafeteria, and I didn't know where he went. I looked through the doors that went into the high school hallways and didn't think he'd be down there, so I walked into the gym only to see him punch Luke. "Gage!"

I ran up to Luke's side, seeing him holding his jaw, and I looked at Gage,

"What the hell?!"

"He needed some help." Gage said simply and gave Luke a death glare before walking out. I faced Luke again and he stood up straight. We locked eyes and I set my hand on his, pulling his hand away from his cheek.

His lip, around his lip ring, was bleeding, and he had a small cut on his bottom jaw. I immediately felt bad, and my heart cracked when I locked eyes with his soft blue ones.

"Luke, I'm so sorry." I said softly and made him sit on the bottom bleacher. He chuckled and licked his lip before wincing. "I'll be right back, okay?" I asked and he nodded.

When I came back in with a wet paper towel he was licking his lip ring, and wincing in pain every time.

"Luke." I came up to him and he stopped. "Here, this might hurt a little bit." I said quietly and started cleaning up his jaw, and lip. He winced like twice, but I knew he was okay. I actually forgot we were in school when I looked into his eyes again.

She's Fallin, Doesn't Even Know It Yet. (A Luke Hemmings Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now