Chapter 15: He Doesn't Deserve Her

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I was standing in front of my closet, trying to figure out whether I wanted to wear a dress or not. Anna has this thing, where she suddenly wants to look really good and hot the next day. Yesterday she was like,

'Sam, Kali and I are gonna wear dresses tomorrow. You have to wear one with us. Plus, I'm sure Gage wouldn't mind.'

I rolled my eyes again, knowing she'd be mad at me for not wearing one. I pulled out my new navy blue short dress, that was lace, and the sleeves came down to the bottom of my hands.

It had an open spot on the top of my back, and it was really comfortable. Not too tight, you know? I curled the tips of my hair, did my eye makeup, and put my white Toms on. I put on some diamond earrings, and my cross necklace.

I walked into the kitchen, and Michael took a double-glance at me. He hadn't seen me in a dress before, and I grinned before sitting my backpack on the counter. He smiled,

"What're you all dressed up for?" He asked and I sighed,

"Anna and Kali wanted me to wear a dress with them..." I said and he nodded, and mumbled something about Luke. I frowned slightly,


"Huh? Oh, nothing. C'mon, we're gonna be late." He said and I nodded.


Gage and I were walking into the cafeteria, hand-in-hand, for lunch, and I kept feeling him looking at me. I felt my cheeks get warm when we stopped in the lunch line. (He doesn't bring his lunch.)

"Why are you staring at me?" I laughed lightly and he blushed,

"You just look stunning in that dress. When did you get it?" He asked and I grinned,

"Well, thank you." I giggled and glanced from a few tables and back to him, "And, I got it for my birthday. I just didn't want to wear long sleeves like this during the summer, you know?" I told him and he nodded.

We were talking for a minute when I heard my name,

"Sam!" I turned around and locked eyes with Michael. He was sitting with the other 3 boys and they all motioned for me to come over to them. I went to walk towards them, and Gage grabbed my hand. I faced him again and he gave me an unreadable look.

"Gage, I'll come sit with you and the others when you get your tray, okay? I promise." I grinned and pecked his lips before letting go of his hand and walking over to the boys. Calum and Ashton put a seat between them and patted it. I smiled and sat down.

"You look really pretty in that dress, Sam." Ashton said and I blushed, moving a piece of hair behind my ear. The other boys nodded and agreed with him, and I laughed at little bit,

"Thank you, boys." I said and they grinned as I pulled out a cosmic brownie from my lunchbox. We were all talking, and I was getting ready to say something about the football game when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up and saw Gage.

"Hey, guys." He said to boys and they all responded except for Luke, who just looked down at his tray. I frowned slightly and looked back at Gage. "Hey, you don't have to come sit with me and the others if you don't want to."

"No, if you want me to, I will. I mean-" he cut me off by kissing me, and when he pulled back, he grinned at me,

"You're fine. I don't mind."

Luke's POV

He kissed her, making her be quiet, and I looked away, feeling myself get tense. I could feel the boys giving me looks, not mean looks but, sympathetic ones and I looked back to see him grin at her,

"You're fine. I don't mind." He said and she nodded.

He stood up straight and patted Ashton's shoulder, and giving me a glare before smirking. I crossed my arms and looked back at the food in front of me, no longer being hungry. You're a jerk. I thought and looked back at him, seeing him sit down between two juniors.

I got this weird feeling in the pit of my stomach, and just wanted to beat him up. He doesn't deserve her. I know it. She could do better. With someone like me perhaps.

"Luke!" Calum snapped me out of my thoughts, and I looked back at him,


"Did you hear anything we just said?" Michael asked and I glanced from Sam back to him,

"Um..." I trailed off and they rolled their eyes at me. Sam chuckled and looked at me,

"Okay. Listen to me this time." She said and I smiled at the table. "The boys agreed to come to the football game tonight. Do you wanna come, or nah?" She asked and chuckled lightly. I glanced at Michael and he nodded,

"Yeah, dude the game I went to was so much fun. Everyone gets really into it and it just seems like everyone is happy for a period of time." He said and I bit my lip,

"I don't even know the first thing about American football." I stated and Calum rolled his eyes,

"Well, neither do we." He said, talking about himself and Ash.

I thought about it for a second, and locked eyes with Sam's beautiful green ones. My heart skipped a beat when she smiled at me and leaned across the table towards me,

"Please, Luke?" She gave me a lip pout and I giggled, glancing away for a split second. "Surely," she started and set one of her hands on mine, "if Michael Clifford had a good time at a game, then you most certainly can." She said simply and we all laughed.

"Alright, alright, fine. I'll go." I said and she smiled at me, making my knees go weak. I felt my cheeks get hot, and I looked down at our hands. I squeezed her hand slightly and she started talking to the other boys.

She's so awesome. This whole last week has been amazing. And I'm sure she'll make tonight even better. I think she can make anything better. Did I mention that she was beautiful?

Everything about her. Mikey was right. He told us she had a great personality and all, and that she was friends with nearly everyone, but I didn't exactly believe someone could be like that. People back home were so shallow. Always judgmental.

She let go of my hand, and I got a feeling of emptiness in my heart. I moved my fingers over the palm of my hand, and looked back at her. She looked so calm. Talking about something Belle said to make her laugh in 3rd hour.

I smiled at her, taking in how she looked, trying to retell the story of what made her laugh. She was laughing the whole time, and she looked so perfect. Hehe, see what I did there?

She's Fallin, Doesn't Even Know It Yet. (A Luke Hemmings Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now