Welcome Home Shaun Boy

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Hey! Normally, I would have a chapter with Jessie and Cameron's P.O.V. But, I've had something formulating in the back of my mind for Shaun for awhile, and it's about time I put my thoughts down on paper....computer? Whatever, anyways, sorry to you Jessie and Cameron lovers, but I've gotta do this. Hope you like it. :)

                                             Shaun's P.O.V.

We pulled up in front of Kaylee's house and we all hopped out. I grabbed Kaylee and my frozen cokes and fries while Savannah ran up to the door, sucking away at her frozen coke. 

We followed Savannah up into their living room and we all sat down. I opened up the box of french fries. The smell of the delicious, hot, steaming french fries wafted up to our noses and Savannah's eyes turned big. "That is amazing," she breathed. Kaylee snickered as I said, "Well, they taste even better than they smell." Savannah's eyes turned so big they almost popped out of her skull. She daintily plucked a frie out of the box and put it in her mouth. She closed her eyes and yelled, "It tastes so good!"

We started to dig into the fries and Kaylee and I laughed at Savannah's reaction. I felt my cellphone buzz and I slipped it out of my back pocket. I checked my phone and it was a number I didn't recognize.

"I'm just going to catch this really quick,"  I told Kaylee. She nodded and I stood up and walked out to the hallway. I pressed send and put the phone next to my ear, "Hello?"

It was silent for a moment then a raspy voice came through. It was slightly slurred and it said, "Shaun? Is that you?"

My hand started to shake as unwanted memories flashed through my head. "What do you want? I'm not sending you any money," I said back as harshly as I could, but my voice trembled. Just like it did every time.

"I-I don't want money. Can you come pick him up? We-I can't take care of him," her voice shook, sounding like mine.

There was a shout, then a loud thud. A silence and then he spoke. " 'Ello boy." I clenched my jaw and tried not to yell; I didn't want to scare Kaylee and Savannah. "Hello," I said back evenly. 

"We need you to come get him. We have no money. And you, you son of a bitch won't give us any," he growled. "Only because you'd waste my money on drugs and alcohol," I said icily back, "Anyways, who is he?"

"Your brother."

My heart stopped as the words he said processed through my brain. I took my phone and slammed it into the ground. My vision turned red and black as my blood coursed through my body, making me feel on fire. I turned and punched the rock wall. My already damaged knuckles started to bleed, but I didn't even care. All that went through my head were those two words. Your brother.

I slumped down against the wall and clutched my head as I tried to hold back what was building inside of me. 

Everything was going so perfectly. And they, always them, had to go and fuck it up all over again. 

I felt something touch my head and I jumped. I looked up and I could have sworn it was an angel coming to take me then. But then I realized it was Kaylee. Which I have to say was every bit as nice.

"What's wrong?" she asked quietly. She knelt in between my legs and held my head between her hands. I closed my eyes and shook my head as everything rushed through me again.

"Your brother."

My body shook as I realized that kid must be going through what I did. I was so scared for him.

Kaylee pulled my head to her chest and just hugged me as my body shook. I wrapped my arms around her waist and clung to her. She really was one of the few people I had left.

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