Scooby Doo and Tattoos

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Shaun's P.O.V.

Savannah, Kaylee and I all sat on the floor in the upstairs living room eating supper. Savannah and Kaylee said that their mom would kill them if they stained her couches and the dining room was much to big and formal for them. They always ate up here.

It was a large room filled with an odd assortment of couches, chairs, beanbags, and plush pillows and blankets. There was a huge TV on the wall and racks upon racks of video games and movies.

When we entered the room I saw a large lock on the door. When I asked what it was for, Kaylee said with a slight smirk that it was there so that guests wouldn't go in there when her mother showed them the house. She then quietly added to me that it was probably because her mother didn't want her friends to see such a messy room.

Savannah munched on her pizza slice happily, and watched Scooby Doo with wide-eyed fascination. "It's the weird girl with the hair! It's her! She looks angry!" She screamed pointing at the screen. Kaylee caught my eye and we grinned at each other.

Once we were done eating Kaylee began to pick up the plates and dishes. Savannah soon joined in, and I lent a hand. Then, we dumped them all into a dumb waiter. "The cook will get them in the morning," Kaylee told me.

For the next hour or so Savannah ran around the house, jacked up on sugar. Finally she crashed right in the middle of the kitchen and fell asleep.

I picked her up in my arms, and Kaylee slowly made her way up the stairs to show me Savannah's room. I laid her in bed and Kaylee gave her a hug and kiss goodnight, then told me she was going downstairs to clean up the mess Savannah made. Just as I was about to leave I heard a small voice call out, "Shaun."

I turned back and knelt down beside Savannah's bed. She rolled over and wrapped her small arms around my large one. "Do you like Kay Kay?" She asked sleepily. I cleared my throat nervously and said, "Well, I care about her a lot." Savannah nodded then said, "Please take care of her. If I was big like her, I would be able to do it. But I'm not, so she has to take care of me. Help my Kay Kay, and keep the bad guy away. But if you hurt her, I will find you," she said with a sleepy, yet serious expression on her face.

I smiled and said, "I'm not going to hurt Kaylee. I promise to take very good care of her. I plan to be around here a bit more to take care of both of you."

Savannah nodded her head and then as her eyes drifted shut she said one last thing, "We don't always mean to hurt people." I said gently, "I know."

I closed the door quietly behind me and walked down the silent hallway. My footsteps echoed loudly and I realized a large empty house is just as lonely as a small one.

I live on my own on the opposite end of the town. Life is hard down there.

My parents were alcoholics and sold drugs, and I left when I was seven.

I snuck on buses all the way down to here. Then, Cameron's family took me in when they found me on the side of the street. They took care of me for eleven years, but I moved out when I turned eighteen.

Because I missed a year or two of school I was held back a grade. I was old enough to be a senior, but I was a junior.

What Kaylee didn't see was that I wasn't a good guy. I had a tattoos across my back and I've been in tons of fights.

I'm not bad, but I'm definitely not good.

I strided into the kitchen and found Kaylee cleaning up spilled soda from Savannah.

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