Chapter 29- News

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"I'm going upstairs." I muttered.

"What to cut some more?" Piper smirked.

"Probably to share her whole life on twitter." Louis said.

"Maybe I will."


I probably shouldn't have ran away, but when you feel like no one wants you, what else are you supposed to do? Surprisingly they were actually worried about me, Harry was already looking for me, and the rest of the boys were trying to calm down Piper and Louis. Fuck them, they mean nothing to me, at least not anymore.


*Louis' POV*

"Well I found her." Harry paused. "But she's drunker then drunk can get."

"I am not drunk!" Noelle laughed.

"And she smells like weed."

Noelle giggled. "I don't smoke weed anymore Harold."

Everything got really quiet. What did she mean by anymore? What the fuck!

"I haven't smoked in, 1, 2... 2 years!"

"Jesus Christ, come on Noelle, you're going upstairs before you spit out more information." Piper said dragging her upstairs.

There was an awkward silence.

"I'm gonna talk to her, see what she'll reveal." I mumbled.

I impetuous traipsed into the immense bedroom. Noelle was right about to lay down when her eyes caught onto mine.

"BABE!" She shrieked rambunctiously. She fell into a hug "I still love you a lot." She said slurring her words. "Like a lot a lot, no more then that, i love you more then you can imagine, but you, you don't love me anymore. So now I have to find someone who can love like i love you." She sang. "That was wrong wasnt it?" She sighed.

I laughed, she was so drunk that it was honestly hilarious.

"Lou, can you uh, leave? She's going to kill me if she embarrasses herself more." Piper smiled.

I nodded leaving the room, but I waited outside to hear what was going on.


I refused to make eye contact with Noelle, I felt as if I would burst out everything I knew. I was acting awkward, I knew that, how could I not?

"Whats up?" Noelle asked sitting right in front of me.

I shook my head no, her eyes wandered to mine, she stared into them like she was trying to see how I felt.

"Oh." She whispered. "You know." She pulled me into a hug saying "This is why I refused to tell you. Your too innocent, even Harry said that I shouldn't tell you, he knew this would happen." She paused. "Its ok if you lost all feelings for me, I did too."

"No." I said. "I'll fix this, I 'll fix you."

"Thats impossible." She replied.

"Noelle, you're not going back."

"You don't understand I have to!"

"What if I make how ever many rooms in my house like that?"

"What about school?"

"We'll get you in a college like that."

"I don't know.." she whispered.

"Think about it."


"Lou, its your call, its just, I don't think its safe." Liam said.

"Would you guys do it though?" I asked.

"If I loved her that much, then yes, without a doubt." Harry mumbled not wanting to take part in this conversation.

"She wouldn't want you seeing her like that though." Zayn added.

"I'm going to have to eventually."

We were interrupted by a smiling Noelle, "BABE!" She screamed.

"Yes?" I laughed.

She bent down so she could whisper in my ear. Her hot breath tingled my

ear when she said "I honestly never pictured myself saying this, but, I have some good news." We were all in shock, but she continued saying "First of all, I dont have to go back, because there is a fucking angel up there who just decided to make my life somewhat better. I'm getting better, Dr. Tomlinson said I should be done with this in a year or so!"

"Does this mean 'congratulation sex'?" Zayn budded in.

Noelle shrugged. "Why not."

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