Chapter 22- Control

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*Louis' POV*

"You know what shes thinking right now." My dad said walking in.

"Yeah, suicide, maybe it'll be better if she does commit." I muttered.

"So you would want your own girlfriend to commit suicide because something is temperately wrong with her."

"Well.." I stopped not knowing what to reply.

"She really does love you, this is the happiest I've seen her, Louis, there are going go be a lot of these fights, she warned you, think about her for once, how do you think she feels right now?"

I ran out of the room going downstairs. She was in a fatal position in the corner while everyone was gathered in the opposite corner. Everything got quiet, but the sounds of Noelle crying. She never cried, or at least I have never seen her cry this hard, I've only seen no more than a few tears. This obviously hit her hard, I could already feel how uncomfortable she felt by just being in the room with her. I could tell she felt like my family would never accept or like her. Then of course she would find a reason to blame all this bullshit on her.

"Leave her be." My mum said grabbing my hand.

"No, I know her better than you!" I snapped pulling my arm away.

I walked over to Noelle and sat next to her grabbing her by her waist. Nudging my head into the crook of her neck I hummed her favorite song. She seemed to calm down a little, still hiccuping. I began singing "I know your somewhere out there."

She lifted her head, "Somewhere far away" she sang back.

We went back and forth until the song was over, I made some funny jokes and faces in-between lyrics to get a laugh or a smile. I wiped away her dripping make-up and carried her up-stairs bridal style pecking her cheek a few times. I slammed her on the bed kissing her, I heard a knock.

"Don't do anything!" My mum warned us.

Noelle laughed probably thinking this wasnt the right place for out first time together. She dug her fingers into my neck wrapping her legs around my lower back lifting her body into an arch.

"Ok, ok, come on, we're in.." She paused to take a few deep breaths.

I heard another knock on the door "If I don't hear some talking and less of the heavy breathing I'm coming in." My dad warned us.

I ignored him moving up on the bed taking Noelle with me. I laid on my pillow, Noelle crawling on me kissing me more passionately this time. I put my hands under her baggy night shirt.

"We warned you." My dad came in pulling Noelle off of me. "Come on you guys are going downstairs."

My dad put Noelle on the couch and made me sit across from her. "Do you need the talk again?" He asked shaking his head.

Noelle laughed "Oh god no."

"No please no." I said.

"Ok well when too people are really in love they start feeling certain ways towards eachother."

"DAD!" I interrupted him. "GO TO BED ITS 1:00am!"

"Well, fine, but if I wake up to bed shakes or screams I might kill both of you." He said.

We both nodded in unison waiting for him to disappear from the top of the staircase. "Go wake up the twins ill explain later." I demanded getting up. She seemed confused by nodded anyway listening to me, I followed close behind, but went into Lottie's room.

*Noelle's POV*

I opened the door of Daisy's room shutting it quickly behind me. Darkness filled the room creeping up every corner like a giant execrable spider. I managed to walk over to Daisy's bed only bumping into a limited amount of things. "Babe." I shook her. "Daisy wake up." She groaned turning away from me. "Come on babe." I whispered shaking her a little harder this time. Her eyes fluttered and when she realized who it was, she jumped covering her face with her tiny forearms. My heart shattered "I'm not gonna hurt you."

"I bet that's what you told Lou when you first met him."

My mouth cracked open, she was right, for a little girl, she was completely right. I couldnt contol it, at least not yet. But when will I ever? or will I ever?

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