Chapter 26- Twins

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"Any news?" Liam asked.

"Well, neither of them are up yet, but I have a few questions..." he trailed off waiting for an approval. "Noelle, is she hemophilic?"

"What the fuck is that?" Niall asked.

"Uh, when you get a cut you bleed a lot since there aren't many platelets."

I shook my head no "I don't think so, but she could be."

He nodded. "Okay, and I doubt you will know the answer to the questions about Harry, I'll just look them up. Thank you."

There was an awkward silence until Liam noticed something.

"Lou." Liam whispered nodding his head over by the door.

I looked; "Holy shit." I snapped. "Do you think.."

"Obviously." Zayn added in.

"But...." I trailed off thinking of any possible answer to this. "PIPER!"

She looked over at us smiling.

"Hi..." She mumbled a bit confused.

"Are you, uh, Noelles twin?"

"Yeah, I probably sound like a bad sister, but, in all honesty, I have no clue who you guys are to her."

"Well, Me, Niall, and Liam are her friends, and this kid over here is her boyfriend." Zayn smiled.

"Damn shes getting in with the famous crew." She mumbled.

"Im sorry, but I cant get over how

much you guys look alike." I said.


"No I'm not doing this here." Noelle snapped.

"I just wanna talk!" Piper begged.

"I dont fucking care!" Noelle almost screamed.

"Ohhh, now I know, you have the same thing as mom! You remember those out bursts? Where dad had to come to stop her? All those suicide attempts? YOUR JUST A LITTLE HER! I see those scars, you cant hide them."

"This is why you don't have a fucking boyfriend, no one could love a bitch like you."

"AT LEAST I DIDNT GET RAPED!" Piper screamed.

"He did not rape me!" Noelle spat "Just leave you ugly ass bitch."

"You just called yourself ugly." Piper laughed.

"Thats because I am."

There was a silence, what did she mean? Rape? I didnt touch her... maybe that dick from the bar. I looked at Noelle, Niall was over her trying to calm her down. Oh I knew I should've beat the shit out of him when I had the chance.

"Piper." Noelle muttered.


"Why'd you come?"

"Family vacation, I got to choose where we go, so I choose here."



The fact that they told me theres nothing more we could do is ridiculous. She was in no condition to leave, its sad to say, buy if she died tonight I wouldn't be surprised. She couldn't walk because she was so weak and shaky, she was in so much pain, and she was extremely tired. I didnt listen to the doctors yelling at me to put her in a wheel chair, I just ran out of the hospital with her in my arms.

"What's your opinion.." Liam trailed off.

Noelle's face was buried in my chest, but I could see her eyes looking up at me. I looked to Liam and mouthed the words 'She's dying'.

Liam didnt disagree, I think he expected me to say that too.

"Lou" I heard Noelle say. "I'm not gonna die."

"Of course your not." I smiled.

"I love you." She said as if she forced it out.

"I love you too."


A/N: hihi enjoyyyyyyyy ok this i had writers block and then this came to my mind and its been the best idea in like 6 days so i just wrote it... Its not the best, I've done better.

anyways vote! comment! tell me what you think!

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