Chapter 15- Bullshit

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"Wait let me get this straight, you robbed Fizzy from her home, to take me dress shopping, because i'll be spending Christmas with Louis and Fizzy and who ever else is in their family."

"Well Fizzy wanted to come, and think of it as your first date with him!" Harry smiled.

"Aw! They like each other!" Fizzy clapped.

"Yeah! but Noelle here cant hold out a relationship so therefore they cant be in a relationship blah blah blah. Its just a bunch of bullshit." Harry smirked.

"Jesus Christ Harry keep your eyes on the road!" I said trying to change the subject.


"Damn Noelle you look sexy." Harry said wrapping his arms around my lower back.

"It makes me look fat." I sighed.

"NOELLE!" He snapped "why dont you have any self confidence! you look perfect!" He said walking us in front of a mirror. "See, your gorgeous!"

I sighed "How?"


"Whats wrong?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Louis turned to me with the most obvious fake smile.

"Bullshit. Thats the most obvious fake smile ever. Tell me." I pleaded sitting next to him.

"Its a boy thing, you wouldn't understand." He said giving me a half smile.

"Want me to get Harry? Hes probably still outside."

"No, its ok, ill be fine." He turn towards the window, his back to me.

"Babe...." I trailed off not sure what I was going to say.

He instinctively turn towards me pulling me into a kiss.

I paused for a second before speaking again. "Am I the problem?"

He nodded.

"I love you Lou, but i don't want to ruin what we could have."

He got up and walked into the kitchen slamming his hands on the counter top "Cant we just try?"

I laughed "I give it a month tops."

"But it will last longer than that, i know it will, trust me it will." He pleaded.

"Lou, you haven't even seen my crazy side that comes out during relationships yet. You barley even seen my crazy side."

"Whatever." He sighed trudging up stairs.


"WHO THE FUCK IS HERE!" Louis screamed from his room.

"Told you he was in a bad mood." I smirked at the 4 boys in front of me.

"So are we going? or are we staying here?" Niall asked.

"Thats up to mr. cranky up there" I replied.

"Whats up to me?" Louis asked at the bottom of the stairs.

I couldn't help but chuckle "If we are going out to a club or if we are staying here."

"Wait your coming?" He asked.

"Yep." I said confidently.

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