Broken Pieces

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It was on the way home that my whole world fell apart. Exhausted, I dozed in the backseat. Both the boys snored loudly, mouths open and heads flung back as they slept. I think that's why Mom assumed we were all deeply asleep.

I was only half-awake and I heard her shift in her seat as she turned back, checking on us. Then she got down to business.

"So what do you think our chances are?" she said.

"Chances at what?" Nate Berkeley replied.

"Of making it big."

"The kids are talented. I'm trying to push that we have them provide even more talent. I want to see the kids playing instruments, not just singing and dancing. A real band."

I knew Mom was about to protest. But she never got a chance. Nate spoke up again. "Your daughter is very talented. What are her plans?"

"Well, she's young," I heard Mom say. It sounded better than I'm in a power struggle with her. "But I think she's going to come along with us." And then, as if she couldn't stand keeping her cleverness a secret any longer, she said the words that killed me.

"You know, she's always had a little crush on Ryder Rhodes. When we first got here, I asked him to pay her a little extra attention. You know, just flirt a little bit. I think she'll definitely go wherever he does." My head whirled and I felt suddenly hot and cold all at once. The urge to throw up came over me, but I forced myself to remain silent.

"You did what?" I peeked, just barely, through my lashes. Nate was staring at Mom in shock.

"They would be a great couple," Mom continued, oblivious to the fact that Nate had a look of disgust on his face as he listened to her. "It would help her career immensely if she dated him."

I felt sick. I wanted nothing more than to jump out of that car and run far, far away. Finally, after what seemed like ages, we pulled up in front of the house. And then I did just that.


When I reached my room, I flopped down on my bed, sobbing. I couldn't believe, I just couldn't, that Ryder had tricked me like that. Now I knew why he had acted so strange. One minute he seemed to like me and the next, he was holding me at arm's length.

My journal was in the drawer next to my bed. I could imagine the perfect entry for this moment in my life. At this time, my world is ending. I don't know who to trust anymore. Even at my most upset, I have to admit, I did feel just a smidge of satisfaction at my dramatization of the situation. And then reality came over me again in one crashing wave.

I felt as if my room was closing in on me, like life was closing in on me. You win, Mom, I thought. You win. A sudden feeling that I had to break free came over me and I escaped onto my balcony, sucking the night air into my lungs like someone who was drowning breaking through the water to the surface above.

The distant sound of shouting came to me as I stood there, staring at the shimmering reflection of the moon in the pool's surface. Craning my neck, I saw two figures in the yard of the identical street across the yard. Ryder's house.

"Grady?" I whispered. Without thinking, I sprang into action. I ran as silently as possible down the stairs and across the wide expanse of yard separating us, slipping on the dew-covered grass.

"Stay away from my sister!" I heard my brother shout just before I reached them. Ryder stood just outside his door, one hand pressed to his eye.

"Grady? What's going on?" I asked.

Grady swallowed hard before turning to face me. "Mom has been setting you up, Lindy. Mom and Ryder. Just listen. I heard her in the car on the way over here. We just had a huge fight." I wondered where Mom was now and what condition she was in. Grady, her golden child, never fought with her. He was babbling as he tried to explain the situation, but I interrupted him.

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