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We were dismissed by Mr. Kane shortly after that. Sarah had typed reports on each of us, which we were not allowed to see. She handed the folder over silently and I couldn't help but grit my teeth as the notes exchanged hands. I was dying to know what was inside.

I could tell all the boys, except maybe Bridge, were feeling the same way.

"Alright," Mr. Kane said after he scanned the folder. "Thank you for the notes, Sarah. Very informative." He glanced at each of us, his gaze penetrating.

I'll admit it. It was terrifying.

And then, very slowly and very calmly, he smiled. As if he weren't our boss, but our friend. A few of the boys smiled back, but I didn't. I knew.

Mr. Kane had not ever been and would not ever be our friend.

"Sarah," he said. "Why don't you take the kids and finish your rehearsals? We've still got a few things to go over."

"Of course! Ready, kids?" Sarah chirped. Her smile was blinding and fake. A false sense of happy camaraderie pervaded the meeting.

Without thinking, I blurted out, "I didn't bring any clothes. Mom said I didn't need to practice."

Mom froze, glaring at me, and the room became silent once more.

"Well," Mr. Kane said smoothly, leaning over his folded hands to gaze earnestly at me. "I think we could agree that everyone needs to practice. Every day. Isn't that right, Mrs. Madison?"

"Of course," Mom said. She stuttered as she rushed to agree with him. "Lindy misunderstood. I've got her workout clothes right here." She lifted her heavy bag from under the table, holding it aloft as if it were some sort of trophy.

Mr. Kane nodded, a look of approval on his face. "I thought as much." He turned to stare at me and I met his gaze, unblinking. I can't let him know how much he scares me, I thought.

"Now Lindy, you have your clothes. I see no reason why you can't practice. Do you?" It was a challenge, but I was growing wiser.

Just weeks ago, I would have fought it. But I was wiser now. They were teaching me something they didn't even realize. I knew now that I had to pick my battles. Because no one was on my team. Mom was against me. Dad wasn't here. And I didn't completely trust the boys to keep me safe. Not yet.

I had to fight this war on my own, for now at least.

So I responded confidently. "No," I chirped, doing my best to impersonate Sarah. "I don't see why I can't, now that I have my gear." I even threw in a slight giggle.

Mr. Kane nodded happily, but Mom and Grady and even Tom, looked at me as if they were shocked. They knew me and they had expected something quite different. They couldn't believe my response. By Mom's wincing expression right up until I spoke, she had believed an argument was coming. But I felt I had gained the upper hand by conceding this skirmish.

The feeling that I had tricked everyone dissolved though, as soon as I glanced at Ryder. Bridge, Ryder, and Hardyn were exchanging knowing glances. Hardyn even nodded slightly. The experienced ones had seen right through me.

Probably because they had been in the same boat.

Mr. Kane dismissed us for our lesson and everyone else for a break and we filed out of the board room together. I accepted the bag from Mom without a word. We did the exchange in front of Mr. Kane, which was probably best for both of us. We had nothing to say to each other.

I changed slowly in the girl's room down the hall. The bathroom, like every other room in the building, was cold. I shivered as I pulled a loose sweatshirt over my tee. Leaving the stall, I dumped my bag on the floor and pulled an elastic from the side pocket.

Mom really thinks of everything, I thought as I began to pull my hair back into a rough ponytail. I paused, surveying myself. Presentable.

"You look nice," someone said beside me and I realized with a start that someone else was in the bathroom with me.

Shayna Sparkes was washing her hands beside me. I stared at her, unable to speak.

She shook her hands, flicking off the leftover water and then reached for a paper towel, meeting my gaze in the mirror. "I was proud of you in there." She smiled slightly. "Great job. I think you might just have a bright future in this business."

I forced myself to respond. "Thank you."

She smiled again, softer this time and then turned to go. At the door, she looked back at me, still frozen in place. "But don't forget to look at yourself. Really look at yourself." She nodded towards the mirror. "It can be hard to do, trust me. I know."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

But she was gone, the door swinging shut behind her, leaving me alone and confused. What did she mean?


Ok guys! Please remember to vote for the boy you want more back story on at my website, Also, can't believe it but we're reaching 40,000 words on The Rockstar Chronicles! Yes, I have the ending planned out and there's still a lot of book to go. Please remember to share it on any social media sites you can! It would mean a lot to me.

Thanks for reading!!!!

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