Chapter 7

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Claire was still overwhelmed from surprise by the time Heath left the room and ten minutes had passed. She was alone, thinking over what exactly just happened.

Heath Bishop kicked Aiden Johnson out of Bishop Lodgings, something his father never would’ve dared to do. And why did he do it? Because Aiden threatened his people, meaning Claire. However, he was angry at her as well because she assumed he was a guy that he wasn’t.

Usually, whenever someone was angry with her, she would get angry back at them. However, she couldn’t find the energy to do that. Anger towards Heath Bishop was far from her mind. Confusion, yes, but anger? No. She couldn’t be angry at him. It was only right that he should be towards her. She judged him early in the game as just some spoilt brat who agreed to take over the hotel for the money and status.

But now that she’s actually seen him for who he is, Claire realized she made a big mistake. Heath was exactly the opposite of what she originally thought he was. He was kind and caring and didn’t tolerate rude or disrespectful people. And she had been disrespectful to him all along. Does that mean he has as much anger towards her as he did with Aiden? And he wasn’t just angry, he was furious, boiling.

Though he was able to keep a calm demeanor throughout the whole time.

Claire sighed and wanted to bang her head against the wall, or something hard enough to get blood drawn.

She was an idiot. And she was a hypocrite. Claire hated it when others prejudge her as to what type of person she was, and that’s exactly what she did to Heath. It wouldn’t surprise her if he hated her now or if he wanted to avoid her as much as possible. It was only reasonable, considering how she treated him.

It was unfortunate, considering how Claire had just gotten used to Heath and even enjoyed his company at times.

The room was so quiet that she heard the clock ticking. She looked at it to see that it was almost twelve and she quickly stood up straight, remembering the promise she made with four of the children in the daycare.

As she made her way to fulfill her promise, Claire thought, if only she could’ve treated Heath like she treated kids. It was much easier interacting with children than it usually was with adults. But he was her boss, and because he was her boss, there were too many barriers between them.


“You kicked out Aiden Johnson?” Logan said from the other side of Heath’s cellphone.

Heath had retreated to his top floor suite after the incident with Aiden Johnson and his general manager. He was ashamed at how he suddenly and quickly snapped. But he just couldn’t stand it any longer.

He had been passing by, continuing to observe the employees and their patterns when he noticed Claire and Aiden walking off on their own. He was surprised, but decided to go up to the employee and woman the two had just left. After he heard about the situation, he immediately chased after them, but didn’t immediately barge into the room.

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