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One look at that dress, I knew for sure I'll be wearing it. It was a creamrose light pearl color. It was perfect. It was a little lighter than the bride's maid's dresses. Everyone one else just had creamrose. It had a small lily poppy on the ribbon and a lily poppy hair clip. It was beautiful. I looked at the picture of London in the dress. She looked so beautiful. I decided to wear it. I feel bad enough to not have her funeral.

I put it back in the box and I took the picture to my room. I framed it and put it next to my lamp to give her light. I put the dress on the top shelf of my closet. I sat down and continued to write my speech.

-wedding day-

I woke up so tired. I thought I could go back to sleep for another hour. I opened my eyes and saw London's picture. Shit. The wedding. I went to the bathroom to splash some water in my face to wake up. I brushed my teeth and took a shower. I got out and knocked on Polly's door. She was still sleeping. "Polly.!" I screamed. She checked the time and panicked. "Shit.!" she screamed and jumped in the shower. I smiled and thought, now what.?

The wedding started at three. It was eleven. Wow we over slept. Once Polly was done with her shower, the bride maids came. I didn't know who they were. Polly just screamed and hugged them all. "Everyone, this is my sister Evee.!" she said as she hugged me. Everyone greeted me. I felt happy. Everyone started getting their stuff together. I saw my dog on the floor relaxing. I smiled and decided he should come. I picked him up and put him in the car. I grabbed my box and the matching lily poppy shoes. I got the picture frame of London and filled up in the car with the rest.

Once we got there, everyone was setting up the place and decorating. It looked beautiful. We got inside the little church and got dressed. The groomsmen got ready somewhere else. I decided to put my dress on last minute. Polly did my make up and for once, I felt pretty.

Of course everyone else looked prettier. Their dresses were all the same. Mine looked like theirs a little. There was people outside sitting down. I left a spot for London in the front. It had her picture on the seat. I saw Gerard in the guys all wearing tuxedos. He saw me through the window and waved. I waved back.

Put a little bow tie on my dog and sent him out the door. I got out my box and put it on the vanity. I put on my dress and the matching heels. I put on the hair clip of the lily poppy. I looked at myself in the mirror. I knew that London would be proud.

I walked out the dressing room door and all the girls were there chatting. They all looked at me and screamed they ran toward me with their heels on. Saying stuff like "Omg love your dress.! Where'd you get it.?! I'm so jealous.!" I felt happy that people were jealous of me. I saw Polly in her wedding dress. Wow. She had her hair up with braids all around with white roses. The grooms men started coming in the church. Looks like everything was about to start. I heard the music play. It's time.

I looked out the window and saw George standing there sweating in his socks. Out came the flower girl. Then it was my turn. My shoulds were locked together with on of the grooms men. The door opened and I looked at the crowd watching us. I smiled and walked down the isle and stood in my place and the grooms men stood behind George.

Each one came out and once they were done, it was Polly's turn. I couldn't help but cry. The girl that I've been hating is now getting married. Wow. She stood in front of me and I stared at her veil. It was so long and pretty. I looked at Gerard a waved at him. He waved back. I couldn't wait until I could go kiss him.

"Do you, George, hold from this day foreword, for better or worse. For richer or poor, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, till death do us part.?" the priest asks.

"I do." George says with the biggest smile iv'e ever seen.

"Do you, Polly, hold from this day foreword, for better or worse. For richer or poor, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish, till death do us part.?" the priest asks.

"I do." Polly says blushing like a tomato.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride." he says as he closes his book.

At that moment George grabbed Polly and kissed her right away. Everyone cheered and started clapping. I felt so happy for them. They started running back in the church holding hands. Everyone got up and socialized.

I stood next to the lake and stared at the white roses flowing around the water. "You looks beautiful." Gerard says as he puts his arm around my waist. I smile and look at him. "I umm, I got to go." he said. "Now.?!" I blurt out. "RR said we had to go early, I have to go." meh said as let go of me. I held his hand. "I love you." I said before I pulled him in for a kiss. "I love you too." he said as he was kissing me. He started walking away. "Gerard.!" I said. He turned around. "Yes.?" he asked. "Will you remember me.?" I ask.

"Definitely." he says.

He walks to the van where the boys are at. I see Frank peek out the window and wave at me. I wave back. Watching them drive off into the road. I smiled until I couldn't see them in my sight anymore.

Lily Poppies. Gerard Way FanFiction.Där berättelser lever. Upptäck nu