Party Panic

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I woke up with my usual bed head. I looked at the time. "9:24" I had to be home by ten. I had to leave now. I left a note on my door so he knew I didn't ditch him.

Dear Gerard,
I had to leave, I didn't leave cause I didn't want to stay. Anyway, I'll see you at the party tonight.
-Evee xoxo

I remembered what Ronnie texted me last night. Saying that he'll get me in the morning. In broad daylight. I headed off home.

Once I entered, of course, I had to hear Polly's stupid comment. "Looks who's back. Did you eat his dick for dinner.?" "Now Polly, I think they just had a sleepover." London said. She turned to me and gripped my shoulders. "Tell me you didn't sleep with him.!!! Are you pregnant.!!!!" she screeched. "Don't worry I'm not Polly." I said as I went upstairs.

I laid down on my bed. It felt like home. My phone vibrated. Not another stalker text. But it was from Gerard.

*phone screen*

Gerard: Why did you leave so early :(

Me: Had to be home by 10

Gerard: You should've woken me up to give you a ride at least.

Me: You looked too peaceful, I couldn't wake you.

I set my phone down. Then I remembered. Gerard was still dating Lindsay. Shit. Looks like I don't have a chance with him. I wish he knew I liked him. Not really though. He would laugh. Polly laughed. I'm just going to take a nap and get this out of my head. Gerard said the party started at eight. I laid down and fell asleep.

I woke up from Polly blowing an air horn in my face. "What the fuck.?!?!" I yelled. "I'm going shopping and mom says I need to bring you along with me, so get off your lazy ass." she said as she smacked her gum. I got up and just put on my shoes. I looked like shit. I didn't care though.

We both got into London's car and Polly drove to the mall. I looked outside the window and smiled at the trees. I watched as married couples went outside together to check the mail, and make each other coffee. I wanted that when I grow up.

We got the the mall and I look like I watched a whole series on Netflix and Polly, over there, looks like a Barbie doll. We entered and I let the cool air go straight to my face. "Weirdo." Polly said as her heels clicked every time she walked with sass. When we first enter we're in JCPenny. She shops here no matter how expensive it is. She was looking at short shorts that could show half of her ass. "I think George would like this." she said as she admired them. "Yea, your ass wouldn't on much it'll be suffocated." I said with a chuckle. Just then she smacked my arm. Ow. "I'm going to get coffee." I said as I walked away. "It's three in the afternoon dumbass." she said as if I couldn't hear her.

When I was walking to the crowded side of the mall, I bumped into this guy. His head hit mine. We both fell down. I put my hand on my head and rubbed it in pain. "Ouch you alright.?" the guy said as he held out his hand to help me up. "Yea, I'm alright." I said as I got up. "My name's Frank." he said as he shook my hand. "My name's Evangeline. Call me Evee." I said.

"We'll catch you later Evee." he said as he left. He was kinda cute. He looked sweet. "Uh dweeb, this is no time for daydreaming." Polly as she walked up to me. She went to the bathroom to fix her makeup. I stood outside the bathroom door and waited for her. I didn't want to be standing in front of the same mirror as her.

I went outside to look at the trees to feel relax. I saw Gerard and Lindsay walking toward the entrance from the parking lot. I couldn't help but let a tear out. I went back inside to Polly.

Just as I got back, Polly came out. "Okay dweeb lets go." she sasses as she put her lip gloss in her bag. I really didn't want to run into Gerard and Lindsay, so I walked toward the exit I went out earlier. "What are you doing.? The came in from the parking lot on the other side dumbass." she said as she pulled my arm. Shit. I prayed that I didn't run into them. But my luck sucks and he saw me.

"Hey Evee.!" I hear Gerard say. I turn and fake my smile. "Do I know you.?" Lindsay asks. "Oh Lindsay baby, this is Evee, my good friend." he says with a huge smile. Lindsay gives me the 'ew' face. If course I do look like shit. "Well I gotta get going." I say as I see Polly tapping her foot and staring at me. I walk toward her until Gerard grabs my hand. "Oh do you have to leave.?" he asks with puppy eyes. I turn to Lindsay and she seems pretty mad since he grabbed my hand. "Yes my sister is getting mad, well see you at the party." I say before I run to Polly.

On the drive back home, I think about the party. My stomach felt queasy. I got another perv text. I look at my phone.

*phone screen*

Seems like he's taken-Ronnie xoxo

Ugh, I should really text him back and say that I don't care. Once we got home I went straight upstairs and looked through my closet. I should've bought some clothes at the mall. Shit. I pull all my clothes on my bed and looked at them. Nothing good enough to look like I was going to a party. I had to go to an expert.


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