I'm Engaged

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Me and Mikey get up and look at Gerard. "Listen G, it's not wha-" Mikey was cut off by Gerard socking him right in the face. Mikey fell down and started bleeding in pain. "Gerard.!" I yell at him. "You don't call me for five days and kiss my brother.!" he screeches at me. I know that whatever I say he'll cut me off. I took off his jacket and threw it in the fire place. I didn't watch it burn. I just walked home.

"Cheater." Lindsay whispers to me as I walk past her. I felt so as for Mikey. He didn't even do anything. I should've waited till Gerard got home to tell him.

I got home to Polly sobbing on the couch. "Mom's dead.!" she screams as she continues crying. I couldn't help but let out some tears. She gets up and gives me a hug. I've never been this close to Polly my entire five years I spent with her. She was always mean to me and I mean back.

I got upstairs and get calls from Gerard. I didn't answer them. After the fifth call I decide to answer.

"Yes.!" I say angrily. "Evee, listen, Mikey just told me everything. I'm sorry. But I still want to know why you were avoiding me." he says softly. "I'm not telling you right now though." I say. "On our date.?" he asks. Didn't he just go on a date with Lindsay though.? I didn't even want to go anymore. I didn't know what to say so I hung up.

I got even more calls from him after I hung up. My self was going downhill again. Shit.

-two days later-

I heard the door bell. Polly answered it. I looked out the window and saw Gerard's car. Shit. I guess I should go. I got dressed up and looked at myself in the mirror. Ew.

I went downstairs and saw Gerard at the door with Polly. He smiled at me. I didn't even want to smile back. We went in his car and we drive us somewhere. We pulled over at some random place. There was no building though. "Come on." he said as he left the car. I got out and he led me down this path. I had no idea where we were going.

Was he going to murder me.? He moved a tree branch out of the way and there I saw a beautiful skyline of New York. The sun was going down. It was beautiful. I sat down on the rock we were standing on. He sat next to me. We both looked at the sun go down.

"Can you explain why you've been avoiding me.?" he asks. I took a deep breath. "I killed my mom." I blurted out. He stared at me with the look that he was just terrified of me. "Let me explain though.! It was an accident.!" I said so he wouldn't run away from me. "I tripped on the plug that was connected to the machine that was hooked up to my mom. I didn't mean to trip on it. The last thing I knew. Was that I killed her." I said as I let a few tears drop down.

He wiped them and said "I'm so sorry." He hugged me tight and felt like he didn't want to let go. I realized that the only family had was Polly. I felt so bad about that so out of no where I said

"I love you."

I didn't even want to say that I was sorry or I just blurted it out. I meant it. He looked at me and smiled. "I love you too." he said. I was, happy. I leaned in and kissed him. He kissed me back. I moved my legs so that mine were on his. He put his hand on the small of my back and I placed my hand on his chest and on his neck with my other. We weren't in public.

I let go and he handed me a lily poppy. I smiled and put it in his hair. We were happy together that night. "Why were you with Lindsay.?" I asked when my smile disappeared. "She called me and said she had important news. She didn't have any news. I was going to give you a lily poppy after she told me the news. She took it and didn't have news. She just wanted to get back together with me." he answered. I smiled and rested my head on his chest.

London's funeral was in a few days. All the boys were coming. It was sweet that they were going to go. Polly sure didn't take this easy. She doesn't know that I did it. I don't think I can tell her. I don't think Polly had the strength to go. I wonder what happens at a funeral. You got in, pay your respects, and is there food.?

I got home from the date and took a deep breath cause I was going to tell Polly. I opened my front door and before I could says anything. Polly bursted down the stairs screaming "I'M ENGAGED.! I'M ENGAGED.!" Shit.

She ran to me and showed me her ring. It was so beautiful. It has a real diamond. I saw George walk down the stairs smiling. I don't think she should be marrying George. I know they're twenty three, but George only wanted sex.! She can't marry him. But I can't stop her. I'm only eighteen. "I'm so happy for you." I say as I looked up her her ring. "When's the wedding.?" "Three weeks.! Me and George are going to travel so we have to do the wedding soon, help us.?" she asked. "Of course." I answer with a fake smile.

They went out to dinner in order to celebrate. I stayed at home alone. What the hell is going on with my life.? Me and Gerard are in love, London died, Gerard got a record deal, and Polly is getting married. Maybe I should just be happy about most of those things and suck it up. After all, life isn't easy peasy.

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