Lily Poppy Box

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I was in so much pain. Gerard stopped the car and ran over to me. "Evee.!!" he yelled as he helped me up. I pushed me and helped myself up. "Why did you do that.?" he asks as he checks if I'm okay. "Why.? Why.?! You're the one being an asshole.!" blurt out as I walk away. "I'm sorry, I guess I'm just really stressed out about RR and is they'll give us the record deal." he says as he stops me. "Well I'm stressed out too but I'm not yelling at you." I say as I cry.

He hugs me tight. "I'm sorry Evee, something in me just let out and I wish I could take it back. Do you still want a ride home.?" he asks. I nod and he takes me back to his car.

Should I forgive him.?

I'll sleep on it.

The next day, Polly needed help again. Of course. We needed to go shopping for wedding decorations. I remember Gerard saying that he went to RR. I guess I won't be able to see him today. Polly was already home so we could just go in London's car and take off.

We jumped in the car and headed off to the store. We saw the wedding isle and decided on which type of color to pick. Polly's dress was chalk white so we decided to go with a really white color with white roses.

It took us four hours to do the shopping. And now, the food. Shit. Polly had ALOT of friends. So did George. So ALOT of people were coming. So that meant ALOT of food. We got the usually what people eat. But we wanted to keep it fancy.

Once we spent all that money, we thought what would be next. George and Polly already got the invitations. Shit. We didn't want to forget anything. I knew there was something else.

We just went home to forget about the wedding and to just relax like sisters.

We sat in the living to just chat. We never did this before. Never. London would always have to be with us to make sure we wouldn't hurt each other.

"Remember when London sang us that tune for us to sleep.?" Polly asked. "Yea, remember when she would make us pancakes with faces to predict our day and she'd always get it right.?" I asked. "Yea." Polly said.

Gerard then called me.

"Hello." I said. "Come over.! Now.!" he yelled before he hung up. I immediately think of all the stuff I've done wrong. "Polly can you give me a ride to Gerard's.?" I asked. "Sure." she said as she picked up her keys from the coffee table.

We headed off to Gerard's house. I wonder why he wanted me to come over so bad. We arrived and I quickly got out. I knocked on the door and Gerard opened the door. Before I could ask why we wanted me to come over, he hugged me so tight.

I wonder why. What was happening.? He started crying. "What's wrong.?" I ask when I back up. He let me inside and sat me down. "RR said my band could go on tour." he said. "Omg really.?! Wow that's awesome.!!" I yelled. "But I won't see you for a few months." he said softly. That broke my heart. I looked down and had tears running down my cheeks.

"When are you leaving.?" I ask. "The day after your sister's wedding." he said as he picked my head up. "That means we still have three weeks left.!" I shouted in excitement. I hugged him and smiled. We still had time together. We laughed and I kissed him. I was happy at this moment. And I always have been happy with him.

-three weeks later-
-day before the wedding-

Polly just got out of the hospital because she's been having trouble with her baby. We still had to keep it a secret from George. She spent the night at the house and was too excited for her wedding. I still had to think of my speech. I'm sill writing it.

Me and Gerard had been spending time with each other non-stop. I'll miss him so much. "Knock, knock." I heard Gerard say from the other side of my door. "Come in." I said as I continued to write my speech.

"Watcha dooin.?" he asks as he sits on my bed. "Working on my speech, being the maid of honor is tough." I said as I put down my speech. He smiled and laid down next to me "Nervous about tomorrow.?" he asked. "Nervous.? I ha-" I paused then realized, I have nothing to wear. Shit. I knew I forgot something. "I need something to wear.!" I blurted out as I face palmed myself. "Wow. You forgot about yourself." he said as he turned to me. "I'll find something." I said as I tried to relax. He smiled and propped himself up to kiss me. He moved closer so that he was on top of me.

I swung my legs up so his middle was between my legs. He started kissing with more passion as I did the same. I gripped my hands on the back his hair. Looks like my speech will have to wait.

I fixed my hair and kissed Gerard bye as he left. Now, I have to look for a dress. It's more important. I looked through my closet. Nothing. Only jeans. This was a huge debacle.! I didn't want to ask Polly for a dress. They'd stop at the middle thigh. I went to London's room to find a dress. I smiled at the picture that was on her dresser. It was her in her prom dress. It was so beautiful.

I looked through her draws and closet. Nothing. Fiasco.! Then I saw a box at the top shelf in her closet. It was a pink box with lily poppies on it. It looked cute. I opened it and inside was her prom dress.

Lily Poppies. Gerard Way FanFiction.Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora