Would You Like To Stay For Dinner.?

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I woke up so hungry and exhausted. I drank two bottles of water. And brushed my teeth. I look at the time. "6:02" better get going. The park was an hour away. I got a tab there and got there at exactly eight o'clock. I walked to the fountain and saw Gerard right there with a lily poppy.

"Hi." he said as he gave it to me. I took it and put it in my hair. "Come with me." he said. He grabbed my hand with made me blush. He led me to a field of lily poppies. I couldn't believe what I saw. My eyes widen and jaw dropped. I smiled and looked at him. I ran down the field of lily poppies and enjoyed every second.

"Will you be my girlfriend.?" he asks. I look at him. Him.? The guy of my dreams.? Ask me out.? Me.? "Of course." I said with a smile. "Are you serious.?" he asks. "Yes.!" I said with confident. He jumps on me and hugs me. We both laugh. His position is on top of me, with me laying on the ground. He leans in to kiss me. I turn my head.

He gets off of me and sits down criss cross. I sit up and look at him. I pick a lily poppy and hand it to him. He smiles and takes it. "So, we're like, on a date.?" I ask. "Yup. You and me." he smiles and says.

"I want to explain, that guy, wasn't my boyfriend, he was the guy with the creepy text messages." I said. Gerard face palms himself. "Ohhhhhhhhh" he says. "I dated him and he um...." I pause there. "He what.?" Gerard asks curiously. I turn my head and let out a few tears. "He tried to rape me." I said softly. Gerard hugged me tight. "I'm so sorry to hear that Evee." he says before letting go. I turn to him and he wipes my tears. I smile and pick a lily poppy and put it in my hair. "I can forget about him now that I have you." I said.

"It's really early, are you hungry.?" he asks. Now that he's my boyfriend, I can tell him anything. "I actually starve myself." I said rubbing my arm while looking down. "B-but why.?" he says with a stutter. "You're beautiful." "You think I'm beautiful.?" I ask. "I mean it." he says. "Now Evee, why do you do this.?" I took a deep breath. "Ronnie always said I needed to lose weight." I said. "I don't think you do, you still look beautiful no matter what." he said smiling and handing me a lily poppy.

"My parents are back in town. Would you like to meet them and my brother.?" he asks. "Of course." I said. "Okay then great.! Let's go.!" he says with excitement. "wait right now.?!" I ask. He didn't answer my question. He just grabbed my hand and ran to his car.

"You'll love my family, trust me.!" he says as he starts the car. We head off to his house.

Once we get there. Gerard's mom greets him with kisses. "Mom this is my girlfriend, Evangeline." She went straight toward me and pinched my cheeks. "Hello Evangeline.!" she said. "Call me Evee." I said. "Call me Donna." she responded as she let go of my face.

"This is my dad." Gerard said. "Call me Donald." he said as he shook my hand. "Come on, I'll introduce you to Mikey.!" he said as he grabbed my hand and went upstairs.

"Mikey.!" Gerard called out as he bursted through his door. "What up.?" he said as he was laying on his back. "Meet my girlfriend." Gerard said as if I were special. "What.?!" Mikey called out and say up in a flash. "Girlfriend.?!"

"H-hi." I said as I gave a nervous wave. He shook my hand vigorously. "Wow your pretty.!" he said as he continued. "Hey.!" Gerard said as he stopped the hand shake. "Sorry G, but, what happened to Lindsay.?." Mikey asked.

"Broke up with her." he answered. "Gerard.!" Donna called. "Be right back." he said as he turned to me and ran downstairs. "Come on in." Mikey said as he sat down on his bed. I walked over and sat down on his bed.

"I like your flower." he said as he touched it. "Thanks, Gerard gave it to me." I said as I took it out. "I remember when grandma loved them." he said as he laid back. "What do you mean.?" I asked.

He took a deep breath and said "Me and Gerard's grandma loved lily poppies, everyday on her birthday we'd go to the park and pick them and put them in a bouquet. But one day, we figured out she was allergic to them. We had to stop the tradition. Our grandma doesn't even remember what a lily poppy looks like."

"Oh, Mikey, I'm sorry to hear that." I said as I gave him a hug. I gave him my lily poppy and put it in his hair. We both laughed. "You're alright." he said. "Wait, aren't you that girl at Lindsay's party who got humiliated.?" "You mean the lamest geek in high school.? Yeah." I answered as a few tear fell from my face. He wiped them and smiled. "You won't have to worry about her anymore." he said as he adjusted his lily poppy.

"You're cute." I said out of no where. "Uhhhh, thanks.?" he said raising an eyebrow. "Would you like to stay for dinner.?" "I'd love to." I said with a happy smile. "Mikey.!" Gerard called from downstairs. "You're so dead.!"

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