New Tutor

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When I got to study hall, I greeted the librarian and went to the seat next to the window. I really liked the library. It was huge and had so many books. It was beautiful. I took out my water bottle in case I got hungry. I took out my notebook and my drawing pencil.

I heard the little tune that was attached to the door the let people that someone came in. I was drawing the trees I saw outside. I started outlining them until someone sat next to me. I thought "who in the hell would sit next to me.?" I looked up and I saw the beautiful face of Gerard. "Hi" he said to me with a gorgeous smile. "H-hi." I said with a stutter. "What's your name.?" he asked." Gerard wanted to know my name.! I could tell him my real name. He'd laugh at it. "M-my name is J-Juila." I said trying to sound smooth. "Nice to meet you Julia. Now can you tell me your real name.?" he asked. How did he know I was lying.?!

I looked down at my notebook and bit my lip and looked back up at him. "Still waiting for that name." he said. "My name is...." I said "Is...?" he asked. "Evangeline" I mumbled softly so I could only hear. "What was that.?" he asked. I took a deep breathe. "Evangeline." I repeated. "Evangeline.?" Wow that's beautiful." he said. I hid my face as it turned pink. "You're shy aren't you.?" he asked. "Yea, I have no friends." I said. "Ouch, that's tough, hey, I'm going to this party, you want to come.?" he offered. "Me.? Party.? No way.!" I said." It's worth a try." he said. "Give me your number and I'll text you the address." Omg. Gerard wants my address. I ripped out the edge of the paper from my notebook and wrote down my number. I slides it to him, when he reached for it I slid it back toward me. I did it over and over again.

We laughed and I have it to him. "Listen, the real reason why I came up to you is because I want you to tutor me. I saw you doing that lab, and taking those notes and I thought it was incredible. I thought that we could meet up at your house. And you could be my tutor." Whoa, Gerard wants to come to my house. "Yes.! "I said with excitement. "Let me give you my address. I ripped out another edge of the paper and wrote down my address. I got sad when I heard the bell ring. "Want me to walk you to your next class.?" he asked being a gentleman. "Of course." I said with a smile. We got out of the library and headed toward my next class.

When I got home, I realized what happened and screamed to the top of my lungs. "Whoa.? Is there a sale at hot topic.? Calm down honey." London said as she read. "Oh London.! He talked to me.! And he wants me to be his tutor.!" I said with a squee. "Aww, my baby's all grown up." she said as she pinched my cheeks. "Wow, he actually noticed you." Polly said as she was on her phone. "At least I don't ask for breast implant money from London.!" I snapped and stormed to my room.

I laid on my bed and stared at my ceiling. I smiled uncontrollably. I heard my phone vibrate. I had a text.

*phone screen*

Gerard: Hey Evee

Me: Hey Gerard

Gerard: Want to meet up at your place to study.?

Me: Yes, of course I have nothing else to do

Gerard: Great.! Evee you rock

I was so happy for tomorrow. I knew Polly was on a date so that meant she wouldn't be talking shit about me and Gerard. I laid back and tried to go to sleep. I just couldn't wait.

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