That Ruined Me

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Once I wake up from my random nap. I'm only wearing Gerard's sweater. Shit. I didn't even remember anything that happened. Why.? I lost my virginity.! Whoa. Like. Whoa. It all happened so fast. I don't even remember what happened.

I just lay back down and smell Gerard's sweater. He lays there only in his boxers. How to come we're not naked.? How far did we go.? I didn't want to ask him and be like "did we have sex.?"

I just went back to sleep and waited for Gerard to wake up. He finally did and he nudged me. I pretended to wake up and yawn. "Hello beautiful." he says as he looks at me. "Hi." I say as I give him a peck on the lips. I sit up and stretch. "What time is it.?" he asks. I get my phone and turn it on. "6:47" Wow, how long have we been having sex.?

He got up and put his clothes on. I did the same. I got about so many texts from Polly. Whoa. I call her and I heard her voice booming.

"Evee.!! I need your help on the cake.!!" Polly screeches. "You're making it.? Why can't you buy one.?" I ask. "It's too expensive.!!" she says as she's crying over the phone. "Please come to George's house.!" "Alright I'll be there." I say before I hang up. "Hey can you drive me to George's house.?" I ask as I turn to Gerard. "Sure he says as he buttons up his shirt.

We go to his car and get in. I imagine Polly's wedding day in my mind. Then I remember. London's funeral. Shit. We won't have enough money for that. Polly's wedding.? Or London's funeral.? I had to tell Polly.

I was worried the whole ride there. I was nervous. A lot of stuff was going on at the moment. It's the exciting part of my life and it's overwhelming. I feel like I might faint. I was rubbing my forehead cause I was starting to sweat.

"Everything alright.?" Gerard asks as he places his hand on mine. "Wow your sweaty." "I'm pretty stressed out. So many things are happening in my life right now, I can't sit down to take a break." I say as I take a deep breath. "You'll be okay, I promise." he says as he pulls up to George's house. "I love you." I say as I kiss him. "Love you too." he says as he waves at me.

I get to the door and turn around to wave to Gerard. I open the door and smoke goes right to my face. I decide to leave the door open to let it out. I start coughing and wave around the smoke so it's not in my face. "Damn, I'd say what's cooking but I'd rather say burning." I say as I walk in to the kitchen.

Once all the smoke is gone, I take a look at her cake. I'm not sure what it is really but I think something in there blinked at me. "Help me.!!" Polly yelled as she shook me. "All right, all right." I say to calm her down.

I take out the instructions and we get down to business.

As we were making the cake, I've never been this close to Polly. Ever in my life. Not one day she'd miss asking if I've been eating dick. "Can I tell you something you can't tell anyone yet.?" she asks as she takes out the flour. "Sure." I say as I take out the eggs. "Well, I'm pregnant.!" she says with a hugs smile on her face. I immediately drop the eggs and spill yolk all over my shoes.

"No way.!" I yelled. I run over to her and hug her. Finally.

"Yes and that means you'll be an aunt.!" she says with excitement. "How will you fit into your dress.?" I ask as I clean my shoes. "Don't worry, I get a big belly in like a month, not a few weeks." she says with a chuckle. Then I remember, London. "What about London's funeral.?" I ask. Polly stops and freezes. "I can't believe I forgot about her.! I need to return to the dress so we can have money for that.!" she screeches. Then I thought, it would break my heart to see Polly's wedding to be canceled.

"No.! London would want you to get married." I say as I try to calm her down. She smiles at me. "You're right, she would." she says as he leans in to hug me.

Once we're done making the cake, we throw it in the oven. I get a call from Gerard. "Hello." I said. "Hey Evee, I'll be with the guys at Reprise Records tomorrow so I'll be busy." he said softly. "Don't worry I'll be fine, I have to help Polly anyway." I say with a chuckle. "Great well I love you." he says. "I love you too." I said before I hung up.

After waiting, the oven finally went ding.! We took it out and it looked perfect.! Two more layers to go. Ugh.

Once we were done, the cake looked absolutely stunning.! Me and Polly were exhausted. Baking took a lot of work. Thought it would be too late to ask Gerard for a ride, but I asked anyway.

"Gerard.!" I yelled in exhaustion. "Yes Evee, you okay.?" he asks. "Yea um, can you give me a ride.?" I ask feeling bad. "Ugh, alright fine." he says after he hangs up.

I feel bad. Was he mad.? Hopefully not.

He gets here and I get in the car. "Wow I'm really really tired." I say as I enter. "Alright." he says as if he doesn't care. I wonder why.? Did he not get enough sleep.? It was only ten thirty at night. I start singing a tune softly in my head that London used to sing to me. "God Evee can you shut up.?!" he blurts at me. I like at him the most angriest, saddest, most horrified face. I bet it looked kinda dumb. But anyways, I looked at him like that and he didn't turn to me.

"What's your problem.?" I ask as I roll my eyes. "My problem.?! MY PROBLEM.?! You're my problem.! You always ask me for things and never return the favor.! You're a huge pain in the ass.!" he screams at me.

That ruined me. Why would he say that.? I start to cry but I don't want him to see me cry. I'm stuck in the car with him. So I take off my seatbelt and jump out of the car.

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