It Was An Accident

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Today I go and see London. I put on my best clothes. I brush my hair and head out the door. Shit. Need a ride. I decided to call a taxi.

Once the taxi came I got in and headed to the hospital. I rushed in and and said if I could go see London. Her room number was 76C. I walked down the hallways saying each number. I finally get to her room. I opened the door and see London staring out the window from her bed. "London.!" I blurt out. She turns her head and looks at me and smiles. "Evangeline, my sweet Evangeline." she says. Her voice got different. She sounded like a grandma. I get on my knees next to her bed.

There was a aching connected to her that gives her medicine. All I heard was "beep. beep. beep." "How are you doing?" I ask her. "I've been better." she replies. "I don't want to spend my last days like this." "Don't worry, in three days, me and Polly will throw you a little party here, just for you." I say as she gives me a smile. "Did you know you're my favorite daughter.?" she says. We both laugh. A nurse come in and says "five minutes until London needs her rest." The nurse leaves and shuts the door.

We had a conversation the whole five minutes. Best five minutes ever. The nurse walked in again. "London needs her rest now." she said as she leaves the door open. "Bye London." I say as I kiss her forehead. I turn around and trip on something, I catch my balance and don't fall. My heart stopped when I heard "beeeeeeeeep."

I turn around and see London with her eyes closed. I run towards her and nudge her to wake up. The nurse storms in and runs towards London. She checks her pulse and makes a sad face. "I'm sorry." she says as she looks at me.



This can't be happening. London.? Gone.? Now.? How.?
I turn around and see the plug to the machine unplugged. I follow the trail of the plug and see it leading straight toward my foot. I tripped on it. I killed London. Shit.

I ran home. I didn't want a ride. I wanted to think. I killed my foster mother. Me.! The lamest geek in high school. I couldn't tell anyone. Especially Polly. She makes fun of me enough. Imagine if I told her I killed our mom. Imagine that. Maybe I should go to Gerard. Maybe not.

I ran home and went straight to my room. I didn't want to speak with anyone what so ever.! I laid in my bed with my head in my pillow. I turned off my phone and locked my door. I closed my curtain and locked my window. I wanted to be alone in the dark.

-three days later-

Since Polly is home 24/7 she always answered the door and stuff. I haven't left my room since. Only to get water and got to the bathroom. I haven't taken a shower yet. That was gross. My breath smell like ass. My hair was nappy. Gerard couldn't see me like this. I was still wearing the clothes I wore to go see London.

Polly has been knocking on my door and trying to get in and saying that Gerard was here to see me. I never answered back. They're probably thinking I'm dead.

Polly doesn't even know London is dead. I turned my phone back on to check the time. Once my phone turned on I saw that I had 70 missed calls from Gerard and 63 text messages. At that moment Gerard texted me again. I didn't answer.

I turned off my phone and laid back down in the dark. I wonder how long I'll be like this. I know not forever. But for now. I want to be alone.

-two days later-

Shit. I felt awful. My date with Gerard was in two days. Will I go.? I wasn't sure yet. I just didn't know what to do. Should I talk to someone.? I think Gerard thinks the date is off. I better go talk to him.

I brush my hair for about twenty minutes, brushed my teeth, and changed my clothes. I still had Gerard's jacket. It still smelled like him. I put it on and went downstairs. I felt better. Actually walking and getting out of the room. Polly was there on the couch.

"I thought you were dead.!" she hollered. "Yes well, I have to go see Gerard." I said as I slipped on my boots and left to Gerard's.

I got there and knocked on the door praying he'd be home. Mikey answered the door. "Hey.!" he blurted out as he gave me a huge hug. "I haven't heard from you in like five days.!" "Yea, I missed you too, is Gerard here.?" I asked hoping he was. "No he left someone where with Lindsay. Why.?" he answered. My heart shattered when I heard that. I didn't want make it seem like it. Should I tell Mikey.? I need to get it out of my head and talk to someone. "Can I talk to you.?" I ask. "Sure come on in." he says as he makes way for me to come in.

We sit down on the couch and I take a deep breath wondering if this is a good idea. "So what's up.?" he asks as he lounges on the couch. "Well um, my foster mother is sick and I went to go visit her. And um, I kinda uhhhh..." I say nervously. "Kinda uhhhh what.?" he asks as he leans in. "K-k-k....." I stutter. "What.?" he says as he leans in closer to hear me. I look up at him. It looks like we were about to kiss. Before I could tell him. Gerard walks in with Lindsay. She held a lily poppy in her hand. "What the fuck is going on.?!" Gerard yells at me and Mikey. Shit.

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