The New Guy

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I woke up from my day dream and back into reality. "Ok class, find a partner and sit please." Mr. Hughes said to the whole class. Of course, no one sat by me. It was always like that. I was surprised that no one sat by Lindsay, the school whore, she's really popular. Every guy I know had got into her pants. When I mean every, I mean every.

I sat next to the window all the time so I could lose my mind looking outside. I'm smart so I know every step of every lab Mr. Hughes has given us to do. I had my notebook in front of me. I never let anyone touch it. It was filled with my drawings I never wanted anyone to see.

I already have an A in this class so I thought I wouldn't do the lab. Mr. Hughes wouldn't mind. It's just extra credit for me. Before I opened my notebook, I heard a knock on the door. I looked up and heard this voice. A voice that sounded sweet. There stood a boy. He had semi-short long hair that was pitch black. I guess he really didn't care about his hair cause it was messy. He was thin and wore all black.

"Am I in the right room.?" he asked as he entered. Mr. Hughes asked for his schedule and said "well students, we have a new student. This is Gerard. Gerard please have a seat." He was walking down the aisle and looking at each table he walked by. Left and right. He got closer to my table. I didn't have anyone to sit with. He might actually sit with me.!

I had high hopes until he looked at Lindsay, as she curled the tip of her hair, and sat down next to her. Of course. Looks like Gerard was her next victim. "Alright class, get started on your labs." Mr. Hughes said before he sat down. I opened my notebook and started drawing. I kept looking back at Gerard. He was sitting right across from me. I didn't want to stare too long or else he'd look back at me and think I was weird.

As soon as the bell rang I closed my notebook and was the first one out the door. I like to be early to class so I can sit by the window before all the seats were taken there.

My next class was history. I didn't like history much. Sometimes I just stare out the window and ignore what my teacher has to say. I sat down next to the window and watched as everyone walked in and greeted their friends. I wish I could do that. After all it is high school.

My heart stopped when I saw Gerard walk in. There was a seat in front of me that was empty. Lindsay wasn't in this class so I knew he'd sit there. He saw the empty seat and was coming toward it. I lost hope when the popular guys in the back said "Hey new kid.! Come sit wit us man.!" He headed over there and sat next to them. Maybe I should just ignore him. There's no way he'd recognize me anyway.

At lunch, of course, I sit alone. I sometimes talk to the janitor that sits next to me and talks about how nasty the bathrooms are. Today he had his day off. I sat in the rear right corner of the cafeteria. A whole table, by myself. I wish I could sit at the tables out side, but the cool kids always take it. They'd tell me to move if I sat there. I was so hungry. I couldn't eat though. I felt too fat. I saw Gerard walk in, of course, he wouldn't sit next to me. He didn't have a tray of food. The cool guys from history were with him and were walking to the tables outside. Lucky him.

After school, I went home. I dropped my backpack and lounged on the couch. "How was school sweetie.?" my foster mother asked as she was knitting a blanket. "I saw the cutest boy ever." I said as if I were day dreaming. "Aww, your first crush.!" she said as she was pinching my cheeks with her long, sharp nails. "First crush.!?" I heard my foster sister say. "ha.! I bet his dog could shit something prettier than what you look like." she scoffed. I stood up and yelled back "Why don't you go stuff your bra and leave me alone.!" I picked up my backpack and went to my room. I slammed my door shut. I could hear my foster mom yell at my foster sister. I crashed on my bed and thought about what she said.

Maybe she was right. Maybe he wouldn't be interested in me at all. It was highly likely. None of the guys at school like me. I was a loser. The'd run from me if I told them I was a virgin. I hate high school. Everyone expects me to be a certain way. I can't be myself. One day, that'll all hopefully change.

I took a nap and realized I needed to get started on my homework. I got hungry so I just drank some water. I started with my math homework. There's no window in the math room. So I was a math wiz. Next subject, history. Just thinking about history class today made me think about Gerard. No matter how hard I tried, he was always in my brain. Gerard, Gerard, Gerard, Gerard. I even wrote his name in my notebook for three pages.! How could I tell anyone. I don't have any one to tell my problem to. Only myself. I could tell my foster mom, but she'd get me mortified. Now what do I do.?

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