Chapter 7

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Three days flew by rapidly. Right now every servant was busy with something, it was either the food, the drinks, the table set ups, etc. And even if there was a free servant, they would instantly be put to work on another thing. Calum watched from the top of the stairs and shook his head. He didn't want the party. It would've been a normal day, but no his mum had different plans. Besides all the chaos, Calum was still thinking about the kiss.

Luke and him never really talked about it afterwards. Not one of them dared to bring it up. Luke even had a wet dream later that day, he thought about what Calum's mouth could do and- well lets not get into too much detail. Calum was about to do it again, but he didn't in case Luke didn't feel comfortable with it. Calum went back to his room with a sigh and closed his door, but when he turned around he was met with blue eyes. "Your mum said to bring this to you. It's your outfit for today." Calum groaned. It was a fúcking tux. He did not want to wear a tux today. "I'm sure as hell not wearing that. If its my party than I'm gonna wear what I feel comfortable in." Luke nodded and said, "It's such a shame really." "What is?" Luke smirked and walked a little closer to Calum.

"You not wearing a tux, because that means I won't get to see how good your áss is." Calum gulped. He didn't know where Luke's confidence came from. He was so used to a shy and peaceful Luke. "Baby, you can always see my áss, you just have to ask and its all yours." Luke held back a moan as Calum kissed at his neck. "Does that feel good doll?" Luke moaned in response. As always a knock was heard and they both pulled apart. His mum walked in and smiled. But her smile soon faded when she saw her son wasn't dressed yet. "Calum Thomas Hood! Why are you not dressed? The guest should be here soon!" "Mum I'm not wearing that shít of excuse for clothing." Joy glared at her son. "Put it on, now! I expect to see you in that tux when I return in 30 minutes!" She slamed the door shut.

Luke just stood there awkwardly. "Well princess aren't you going to help me?" Luke walked closer and and nibbled on his ear before saying, "Nope. I have work to do." He headed for the door and walked out. Calum rolled his eyes and went to change. Luke on the other hand was taking a cold shower. After their little encounter, he had a little problem to take care of. Either way he needed to shower, he didn't shower last night and felt icky this morning. After 5 minutes of showering he changed really quick and went back to work since people were calling his name and when he appeared he was literally yanked to the kitchen. Plates and drinks were being placed on trays and out the door. Luke was handed a tray full of appetizers. He walked out and was shocked to see so many people already in the castle. He walked around and offered some appetizers. He felt sad when he offered people the food and declined, but accepted it when one of the maids offered.

But he just shook it off and continued to walk. He soon stopped when he saw someone at the top of the stairs. It was Calum. He looks so handsome, so beautiful. It was almost as if when God was creating him he accidentally put too much handsome in his genes. Calum caught Luke staring and smiled at him. Luke blushed and went back into the kitchen to bring out some drinks. As soon as Calum hit the last step his mother came and took him to a near by table.

"Calum dear this is the King and Queen of France. And that is their daughter, also your betrothed." Calum's smile faded. The girl was pretty yes, but she didn't meet Luke's beauty. his sky blue eyes. Pale smooth skin and soft blonde hair. "It's um... nice to meet you." The family smiled and the King stood up and brought Calum in for a hug. "I am looking forward to the wedding." He said with a thick French accent. "Calum why don't you take her for a walk around the castle. I'm sure she'd love to see the backyard." His father said. "Here I'll ask a servant to accompany you." Calum prayed and prayed that he wouldn't ask Luke. If he did he would feel really bad. "Luke! Come here boy!" Luke walked over and smiled. "Yes my King?" "Please escort my son and his betrothed around the castle." Luke looked at the burnet and at Calum. He felt a pain in his chest. He knew he was in too deep. "Yes my King." He gave the tray to a near by servant and walked in front of the pair.

He was glad he was in front because that meant Calum couldn't see his pained face.


"So Calum, how old are you?" Calum looked at the girl who was latched too his arm. "I'm 23 and you?" "I am 22 soon to be 23." Calum nodded and proceeded to walk. He looked up and saw Luke was slouching a bit. He kept wiping at his eyes and he knew the blonde was crying. God how much he hated his mother right now. "So how would you like our wedding to be? I was thinking in a church in England and our honeymoon in Bora Bora." Calum internally cringed. He didn't want to talk about this now, especially with Luke a couple feet away. "Um, I don't know I haven't put too much thought into it I guess." He kept sparing glances at Luke. How was he supposed to marry the girl if he didn't even know her first name. "How silly of me. We've been talking all this time and I haven't told you my name! My name is Angelique."

Calum gave her a warm smile and proceeded to walk. Luke was trying so hard to not breakdown. But failed when a sob escaped his lips. Calum looked up in concern and walked towards Luke. He made sure Angelique wasn't too close before he spoke. "Baby, are you okay?" He grabbed Luke's hand only for Luke to snatch it back. "Does it look like I am? You know what I'm just gonna go back in. Have fun with your girlfriend." Before Luke could walk any further he grabbed his arm. "Princess please don't walk away." Luke said nothing. "Look, meet me in 20 minutes in the little cabin within the woods. I promise I'll be there." Luke still didn't say anything. Not because he was ignoring Calum, but because he knew that if he opened his mouth he wouldn't be able to hold back his sobs. So he just nodded and went back inside.

"Is he okay?" Angelique asked. "No, he's not feeling well. How about we go back in. It's dark and cold." Angelique nodded and followed Calum in. Luke was currently in his room in sweatpants and a huge shirt. He was also wearing his panties underneath. He told the Queen that he had a headache and was scared he might faint. The Queen smiled at him and told him to go rest. After waiting 5 minutes, he walked out and went through the backdoor to the cabin.

Calum was in the cabin waiting for his princess. He was scared because Luke might not show up. He was nervous because maybe he won't want anything to do with Calum. Let's just pray he shows up.

Woah 1k words that's new. There is going to be a second part to this and it will pick up from here. Poor Luke I just wanna jump in and give him a big hug.

What are your thoughts on Angelique?

Have a safe day or night.

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