Chapter Eight - Part 1

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Chapter Eight

A screeching sound pierced Troy’s ears, causing him to wince and moan in hopeless defense. To no avail, the unpleasant sound seemed to last must longer than it normally did.

“Honey?” said a quiet, familiar voice. “Can you hear me? Please, squeeze my hand, anything, if you understand.”

Troy understood. He squeezed his wife’s hand.

“That’s better, that’s better,” said Jessica, comforted by his voiceless response. “When you’re all better, we’ll go to the beach, like we used to. And we’ll go to get burgers and drink a glass of wine and watch movies on the couch at night. Please, Troy, get better. I need you to get better.”

Troy writhed in pain again as the screeching sound reemerged.

“Mrs. Duckworth,” said an elderly voice. “It’s time.”

“Yes, ma’am,” said Jessica.

She looked at Troy with sympathy, touched his motionless hand and stood up from the stool next to his cot.

“I love you, Troy. See you soon,” said Jessica as she kissed his hot forehead.

“We’ll call you in a few hours,” said the old nurse. “Everything will be alright.”

She took a seat on the stool as Jessica exited the room.

“Troy,” said the nurse. “I need you to take this pill one last time. We’re going to perform a minor surgery on you today. But it will be the final day you’re in here. After today, you will be ready to return home. If you think you can take this one last pill, squeeze my hand.”

Troy’s eyes opened immediately. He looked her in the eyes.

“Yes,” he pleaded groggily. “Please, I need it.”

“Great!” she said contently.

Standing up from the stool, she reached into her coat pocket and pulled out a small canister. The pill bounced off the canister’s walls, making hollow clanks and jangles. Troy reached his hand out towards the pill.

“Now, now,” said the nurse, moving the canister away from Troy. “You’ll get it soon, don’t you worry.”

“Here,” she said, moving a glass or water towards his lips. “Take a sip, then you will get the pill.”

Troy took several large gulps of water, then held the last gulp in the back of this throat. He opened his mouth, waiting as the nurse to placed the pill on his extended tongue. He swallowed hard, making sure he consumed the pill quickly.

Troy closed his eyes again, pleased and satisfied.

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