Chapter 36: Kyle's POV

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I have no idea who Lewis is but Tink and Will clearly do and they don't look happy, they actually look terrified. "You did this!?" Will yells. Lewis looks at Will and laughs.

"You bet," Lewis says. "This was the plan all along but Emma decided to break you out and escape. I had planned for Maria to woo you, Will, but you were too lovesick to notice that. It's a shame really, but I'm going to have to destroy you all."

"You don't scare us," Tink says, from the vines wrapped around her. Lewis chuckles.

"I'm not the one who's going to be destroying you," Lewis says. "Emma is. She's going to kill all of you and then I will be ruler of Neverland."

"You're a monster," Tink says. Lewis laughs.

"Thank you," Lewis says. I start to reach for my sword but Emma uses magic to keep me on the ground.

"I don't think so," she says.

"Emma you handle Will, I'll take care of Kyle here," Lewis says. Emma nods and releases me. I scramble and grab my sword and I point it at Lewis as Emma approaches Will.

"You're going to lose," I say, still with my sword pointed at Lewis.

"And how is that possible?" Lewis asks me as he pulls out his sword.

"I had a vision," I say. "And Emma saves this land." Lewis's eyes go wide and he looks at me.

"This is not possible! I killed the truest believer!" Lewis yells. "No matter. I'll just have to kill you then." Lewis swings at me but I duck and stab at him. He jumps back.

"Someone's a fighter," Lewis says. "But you're going to need more than that." I swing at Lewis, like I would hit a baseball with a bat, and I cut his cheek. He yells and grabs his face.

"I've got something up my sleeve," I say. Lewis glares at me and the real fighting starts. Lewis and I each take swings at each other and we hit blades. Soon Lewis has the upper hand and he has me backing up towards the edge of the cliff behind the house. He knocks the sword out of my hands.

"End of the line truest believer," Lewis says. I chuckle.

"The funny thing is when you're the truest believer, you remain optimistic," I say. Lewis gives me a sideways look. "Like, for example, I'm going to survive this."

"Impossible I-" Lewis starts when someone hits him on the head and Lewis collapses. He falls off the cliff. Behind him, with a branch, is Hook.

"You alright there mate?" Hook asks, holding out his hand to help me up.

"Yeah. Thanks," I say. "Now I just need to stop Emma from killing Will." Emma turns and sends a wave of magic at Hook and I. I try to dodge but I can't move. I try to speak but I can't do that either. It's just like the dream.

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