Chapter 32: Kyle's POV

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I take Will away from Emma and Luke. When we're out of earshot from Emma and Luke, Will lets me have it. "Why would you take me away from them!?" Will asks angrily. "You're allowing them to be alone!"

"Will calm down," I say. "Emma would've strangled us if we didn't leave them alone."

"Fine but can we talk about how we've been gone for weeks!?" Will asks. "That's not even possible!"

"Time does work differently here so we don't know for sure how long we've been gone," I say. "We can figure this out. We're the dream team remember?" I elbow Will and he chuckles.

"That team included Luke," Will says. "But I know for a fact that guy isn't Luke."

"He is probably just getting used to things around here," I say. "Just wait till he meets Tink and Hook." Will laughs and accidentally knocks into a bookshelf. Four books fall down with a huge thud. "Nice going flash."

"You're the one who made me laugh!" Will exclaims. We begin arguing and Emma comes to where we are.

"What the heck is wrong with you two?!"

"Will is being thick," I say. Emma looks at Will.

"You can't possibly believe that that's Luke," Will says. "I know Luke and Luke would never come here. He has an awesome life."

"He said he missed me," Emma says. "He was worried about me. We've been gone for weeks! Are you with me or are you against me?"

"I'm with you but-" Will starts.

"No!" Emma exclaims. "No buts! Now act like you're with me and go to bed!" Emma crosses her arms and Will and I go to our rooms. Emma walks back to where Luke is. I jump and lay on the bed. Needless to say I'm out like a light. Although the dream I start having is pretty strange.

*Dream, Kyle's POV*
I can't move or talk. That never means anything good. I don't really know where I am or what is going on. All I know is that I'm about to watch Emma kill Will. Huh. I knew this day would come, but not like this. "Emma please," Will begs Emma. "Don't do it." Emma's hair is completely black and straight. She has dark circles under her eyes. She is holding a knife against Will. Will is on the ground and Emma is on top of him with the knife against his throat.

"Why shouldn't I kill you? It'll be easy and fast," Emma says. Her voice is raspy and cold.

"Because - ow!" Will exclaims as Emma pushes the knife harder against his throat.

"What's that? I can't understand you," Emma says, followed by an evil giggle. I so badly want to yell out and rip Emma off of Will but I'm frozen.

"I - love - you," Will croaks out. Blood starts coming out of where the knife is. Emma's eyes go wide and she removes the knife. Will coughs and sits up. Emma is still facing Will and sitting on his lap. Her legs are on both sides of Will. All of the sudden Will grabs Emma's face and pulls her in for a kiss. A burst of light explodes as they kiss.

*End of dream*

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