Chapter 19: Emma's POV

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"I already know the backstory of Neverland. I read the stories," I say. Lewis slams his fist on a table.

"Get that out of your head, would you lass?! Those aren't real! This," Lewis says as he gestures to everything, "is real. Now are you going to listen to me or shall I have to put you in a cell too?!" Lewis has never yelled like that and always seemed to keep a cool head. This was strange and judging by Maria's facial expression, I'm right.

"Okay. I'll listen to you Lewis," I say. Lewis nods and takes a deep breath. He tells me the story of a man who wanted to have magic but was never able to. He grew deeply depressed but was brought out of his depressed state when he met a woman and they got married and had a son. The son had magical powers because he was born out of true love. The father got power-hungry and wanted the son to do some terrible things but the son refused. The son then escaped to a new land called Neverland. "What else is there to the story?" Lewis gives Maria a pissed off look.

"I didn't tell Will anything else, muchacho," Maria says with a bit of tone.

"Good," Lewis says. "Now to getting this chap to fit the description of the lad from the prophecy. Emma fits the description of the lass perfectly."

"Did you ever think that maybe Will isn't the one from this prophecy you two are always talking about?" I ask. Lewis and Maria both look at me. "I mean you can't change how a person acts so maybe Will isn't the guy." Will gives me a what the heck look. I shrug. "What's the description of the guy?"

"That's not the problem, love," Lewis says to me. "There's a drawing and Will is the guy."

"Let me see it," I say. Lewis walks over to a cabinet and pulls out a sheet of paper. He closes the cabinet and hands me the paper. It's a drawing of Will. "How is this possible?" I shove Lewis against the wall. Maria starts to advance but Lewis motions for her to stay back. "Are you stalking us?"

"No," Lewis says. "I told you. You two are written in the prophecy." He points to the cabinet. I release Lewis after a few seconds then I walk to the cabinet and open it. I see the drawing of me and it's dead on. It's a little creepy. I bring the picture over to Will and he looks at it. "We'll leave you two to look at the pictures. Vamos Maria, vamos a dejar." Once Lewis and Maria I immediately look for a key to get Will out.

"EJ what are you doing?" Will asks.

"Shh. I'm breaking you out. We're getting out of here," I say. Will stand up and looks around too.

"I'm not seeing anything," Will says. "I don't think they'd keep a key nearby. If you get me something sharp, I might be able to pick the lock." I start looking through everything in the room to find something sharp. "Find anything?"

"There's nothing useful in here," I say.

"Wait there's something right by the window," Will says as he points at the window. I walk over there and there's a metal stick. I grab it and bring it over to Will. He begins to pick the lock and a few seconds later, the lock drops to the ground. Will steps out of the cell and I grab his arm.

"We need to go now," I say. Will nods and we run out of the building and hide behind a huge tree. "Lewis told me about the forest and said there were terrible things in there."

"I don't trust that guy," Will says. "He doesn't seem to be truthful. He also has anger problems." I nod.

"Yeah. That's why we need to get out of here," I say, "but in case we get in trouble, we need weapons."

"You propose we steal weapons?" Will asks. "EJ, I didn't think you had this in you." I give Will a smirk.

"I'm full of surprises," I say. "Now. Let's get the heck out of here."

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