Chapter 15: Emma's POV

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"That's impossible," I say.

"That's just a name that people used to call this place," Maria says. "Until our source of belief was destroyed and our leader was captured."

"Who's your leader? Peter Pan?" Will asks, clearly trying not to laugh.

"I'm taking him to the cells," Maria says, forcefully taking Will away.

"So really what is this place?" I ask. "Because Neverland does not look like this."

"You remember?" Lewis asks. I give him a quizzical look.

"No? I'm talking about in the stories and movies," I say. "It's much more happier."

"Well this place does run on belief," Lewis says.

"Aren't there kids that believe?" I ask as Lewis and I walk. "I mean in the stories, kids would visit in their dreams. Then in the movie Peter Pan visited this family in England-" I see Lewis's confused face. "It's a place. Anyway he visited there and he showed three kids, Wendy, John, and Michael how to fly and took them to Neverland." As I explain the story, Lewis takes me around the camp him and other people have set up. "Eventually Peter Pan and Wendy fall in love."

"Interesting," Lewis says. "And this Tinker Bell was jealous?" I nod. "Yeah this place is not Neverland." I chuckle. "Will did have a point though. No Peter Pan, no Neverland."

"Yeah that's the problem," Lewis says. "We don't have our Peter Pan - I mean leader."

"Can't you or Maria be the leader?" I ask. Lewis shakes his head no. "Why not?"

"We had a leader once," Lewis says. "But they don't remember. I'll tell you more about that later. Right now I'm going to give you a tour."

"Can you let my friend out?" I ask.

"No. He needs to learn to be more respectful," Lewis says.

"We agree on something," I say with a chuckle.

"Now how about that tour?" Lewis asks. I smile and nod. The similarity between Lewis and Luke is uncanny. I have no idea who Maria is though. She reminds me of Kendra. That's who! That's why I don't trust Maria! Speaking of Kendra, what are she and Luke doing? It still pisses me off that she and Luke are partners. "Emma?" I look at Lewis and all I see is Luke's face. I think I'll just deal with having Lewis.

"Yeah! Let's go," I say with a smile. Lewis takes me around their camp which has guards all around it. "What's with the guards?"

"There are bad things in the forest," Lewis says. "We are forbidden to enter unless we want to be captured and killed."

"Who's out there?" I ask.

"The one who has taken over the island and plans on finding the one who is destined to save this place," Lewis says. "The ones in the prophecy."

"Will and I?" I ask. Lewis nods.

"But he doesn't know that you two are here," Lewis says. "And I'd like to keep it that way." I nod and smile.

"That may be best," I say with a chuckle.

"Now let's go see if your friend has a better attitude," Lewis says. We walk over to a building where Will is being held.

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