Chapter 14: Jessica's POV

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"Kyle do you even know where you're going?" I ask.

"Honestly no," Kyle says. "We'll find the North Star and find the second one to the right and-"

"Fly to Neverland?" I ask with a chuckle.

"Hey that stuff is pretty awesome," Kyle says. I think he's a dreamer.

"So you believe in that stuff?" I ask.

"Of course not," Kyle says. "But it's a good source of hope."

"Elaborate," I say. Kyle begins to talk about how hope is important to people. If there is no hope, how can anything get done? How will people have motivation for anything? When someone has a dream, but no hope of achieving that dream, how will they accomplish it? They won't. I hear Emma talk about how she dreams of visiting a distant land and making a difference. I always tease her and say she wants to go to Neverland and meet Peter Pan. That was her favorite fairy tale when we were little. One time she said she visited Neverland. I said that was impossible since I was a very realistic 8 year old. She told me she visited there in her dreams, like in the story. Emma told me about how she never saw Peter Pan himself though. I asked her why she thought she never did, she told me that it was because she was getting too old and eventually she wouldn't be able to visit Neverland ever again. She was right. She never mentioned it again. I brought it up once and she had no idea what I was talking about. It was like someone wiped her mind because Emma Watson is not one to forget anything. I asked James about it and he told me that one night she was talking in her sleep, something she never does. He said it sounded like she was repeating words. When she woke up, James asked her about it and she didn't know what he was talking about. The last thing she remembered was having dinner that night. Something happened that night. I guess I zoned out because Kyle was saying my name. "What?"

"I found something," Kyle says. He gently sets me down and he picks up a flashlight.

"That's Emma's," I say. "You don't think-"

"They're not in this forest," Kyle says. "We heard her scream and now she and Will are gone."

"You think they got kidnapped?" I ask worriedly.

"I have no idea but we need to tell James," Kyle says. I nod. I notice something else next to where the flashlight was.

"There's something else there," I say as I point.

"It's just a leaf," Kyle says.

"Can I see it?" I ask. He hands it to me and I look at it. "What kind of leaf is this?"

"It's a leaf Jessie-May," Kyle says, "nothing is special about it."

"There's something on it," I say.

"Probably poison," Kyle says. I ignore him. I grab the flashlight from him and study the leaf. There is a message written on it.

She has returned

"There are words on this," I say. Kyle kneels down next to me.

"What does it say?" Kyle asks.

"It says 'she has returned'," I read. Kyle and I look at each other.

"What does it mean?" Kyle asks.

"I don't know," I say, "but James will. We need to go see him." Kyle nods and picks me back up and we somehow find the trail back to Emma's house. We were sitting right next to it. How is that even possible?

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