Chapter 33: Will's POV

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I wake up to the sun shining on me in my bed. For a second I don't know where I am but then I remember I'm in Neverland. Of course. I walk out of the bedroom and into the kitchen. Kyle is there with Tink. "Hey Will," Tink says. "Sleep well?" I nod. "Good because we have a big day today. You and Emma need to fall in love."

"Yeah um I'm sure that's not going to happen," I say.

"Why not? There is something between you two," Tink says. "It's the possibility for true love."

"Yeah well Luke is here," I say dully. "Emma is currently crushing on him."

"That's not possible," Tink says. "There is no chemistry between them."

"Actually there is," Kyle says. Tink and I look at him. "What? They have chemistry class together!" Tink has a look on her face like she's thinking. I roll my eyes at Kyle.

"Shut up Kyle," I say. I look at Tink. "Tink, I really need your help."

"I know you do," Tink says. "I need to figure out what these feelings that Emma is feeling are. It's not love."

"What do you think it is?" I ask.

"She's trying to change how she feels," Tink says. "She's scared."

"Of what?" I ask.

"Putting herself out there," Tink says. "Kind of like you." I blush a little.

"Does that mean she likes me back?" I ask with a smile.

"No," Tink says. My smile quickly vanishes. "She likes Luke right now. I can't change how someone feels." We see her and Luke walk to where we are. Emma's hair is darker and not as wavy as it usually is. She also is getting dark circles under her eyes. "Emma? Are you okay?"

"Never better," Emma says with a smirk, looking at Luke. Luke takes her hand. "We're going out." She giggles. "Don't wait up." They walk out.

"What is with her?" Kyle asks. "She's never like - oh my - no no no. This can't be happening." He rubs his temples.

"Kyle what is it?" Tink asks. "Do you know something?"

"I had this dream last night. I don't know if it was a vision or a creepy fetish, but it was about Will and Emma," Kyle says.

"Creepy fetish?" I ask.

"Quiet Will," Tink scolds me. She looks at Kyle. "What happened?"

"Well I was there, observing, but I couldn't move or talk. I watched as Emma was on top of Will who was pinned on the ground. She was holding a knife to his neck. Her hair was black and straight and she had these huge bags under her eyes, like she hasn't slept in weeks. Then Will practically begged her not to kill him then Emma says 'give me a reason why I shouldn't.' At this point there was blood coming out from where the knife was. Anyway, then Will said 'I love you.' Emma released Will and sat up, shocked. Will sat up too, Emma still on him and then Will grabbed her face and kissed her. Then this burst of white light exploded as they kissed. That's when I woke up."

"Kyle you just had a vision," Tink says, standing up. "A vision of the prophecy coming true. This is good."

"How is this good!?" I exclaim. "We don't know what happens!"

"Will, chill," Kyle says. "You kiss Emma! Isn't that anything?"

"I could die! She did basically stab my neck!" I exclaim. I put my hand to my neck and feel it.

"Will you save her from whatever cursed her," Tink says. "Unless we can prevent that from even happening." Kyle has been looking out the window for the past minute.

"I don't know if that's going to happen," Kyle says. "Emma and Luke are getting pretty friendly out there." I turn and see them super close to each other, like they're about to kiss.

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